So many m+ "solution" threads these days, so here is mine

And now compare that with anything in mists :joy:
That was just the 1st pull you described.
In the next pull you also got a ritualist and we just have used all our cooldowns. Have fun.

Well in Mists you gotta DD. Especially 1st boss.

That is literally the only dungeon where I would say healer DD actually has an impact. It can be the difference between 1st boss having 2 phases or 3 phases. Which is a TON of time if you think about it.

So you change talents and gear for that dungeon (its what I do). Damage trinkets + damage talents + 32% haste (instead of crit). Plus Frost shock for the sweet ancestor lava bursts.

What can I say. I manage.

And by the time we get to 2nd pull (with 2 ritualists) its usually with BL. And BL is a OP CD on its own, so you dont need anything other than CB totem there.

BL lasts 2 casts. And by the time its over I usually have some CD available (Ascendance), then link… then the cycle begins once more.

Dont get me wrong though. I am NOT saying its easy.

All I am saying is that there is definetly some tech to get it done. You just have to figure it out. And you will. I am 100% certain of it.

I mean, i am. Just need to drink everywhere and still time +12 with like 4 minutes. But it is stupidly stressfull on the healer. And i think DB is probably the worst on that this season. Mists is the other extreme on the other end. But like NW i carry with interrupts and stuns, and then it is only about stitchflesh healing.

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You’ll love it when you get gear on the MW then, it simply doesn’t use mana. The shaman I can oom myself in 5 seconds flat sometimes.
MW has downsides for sure (like most of CoT) but for dawnbreaker it felt really well suited.

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Yeah that is true. I think i did not needed to drink (outside of mana tea) at all on the DB +10 i timed :slight_smile:
(allthough +10 is different from +12 but i was also like 620 on the monk)