So many negative threads!

As usual, I will have to be the cheerful and wholesome voice of the forums:

I have enjoyed the announcements made at Blizzcon, and I’m both pleased and excited by the features to come.
The lore, atmosphere and vibe of the new expansion seem great. The new zones look really good, especially the one with a big crystal in the middle.

It’s been a fine first day of Blizzcon.


Another day, another pointless thread by slapface. Your bait threads are less innovative than retail wow.

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Agree, They have changed direction and are obviously trying to bring back a bit of a connection between the expansions that has been missing and disjointed for some time.
Some of the new features look good and i think they are going to tie up some loose ends in the previous 20 year story.
I dont really care for lore and im not a fan of going back to the old world but, im still looking forward to seeing where they go with this.
Its hard to get exited about the story when its jumping from random baddie to next random baddie every 2 years.
Lets hope they make it fluid and hang together.


Yes, not to mention them doubling down on creating systems that remain relevant years later after being introduced.
+ account wide rep.

Just a bunch of nice stuff.

I am also sad how negative this forums are. I understand there are many things to complain about but I have a feeling for most people here everything is bad and worse and nothing is good, wow is dead, nobody plays it etc.
If wow is so bad for them they can’t find anything to be happy about then why playing? XD

I am for one hyped :3
I am hyped dragonflying stays and even evolve onto other mounts.
I am hyped Anduin is back.
I am hyped for new story.
And I am very happy about warbands, new transmog mechanic and even new allied race despite it’s not for me because I prefer beast races.

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