So many topics to balance av

Great!! I agree 100000%

blizzard employee should try av on alliance side for one day. i bet he/she would be a nervreck. =P

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Alliance players should try quing as Horde.
You soon understand why nobody cares about the alliance loss rate.
Half the playerbase depends on AV, more than half on pvp realms.
They wont gimp it.

People keep using the loss rate as the number one “obvious reason” why the map should be changed, but let’s assume a shadow number of wins not being remembered or acknowledged so it’s slightly higher than the “1%” people keep throwing around carelessly.
Since after all, at any time of day, there are dozens of AV instances being played, yet you only hear of few individuals to then somehow mean to represent all those dozens of AV instances being played out at the same time every single day, numbering in hundreds.

But yes, let’s assume Horde still wins by a lot more.

Now, Blizzard, using server data from more regions than just the NA and EU, where they’ve got the data from the Asian servers as well, what if they don’t see any weird numbers in win percentages in AV there on Asian servers?

That’d answer people’s question of “why haven’t they done something after all this time?!”, right?

So look at other reasons instead. The likeliest suspect has always been player perception problems, Horde seeking out PvP while Alliance keeps avoiding it. It’s PvP which wins the BG.
And even the few times some Alliance teams have actually done the hard work of seeking out PvP and turtling and all that, it still doesn’t guarantee victory, but with the defeatist attitude it kinda makes it unlikely for them to try it again, and so the “spiral of death” continues, where the player perception issue keeps growing more and more.

One thing the Alliance premades did right was seek out the PvP just as much as the Horde have been doing all this time. As soon as the premades were shut down (at least in the large matchmaking pool), that came to a sudden stop.

But this problem didn’t start in AV. The player perception problem was there already in the WPvP phase of Classic, which is why they released BGs early to help mitigate.

Just let everyone do full premades, clearly Alliance needs it to even play the BG properly, while Horde would be able to bond better as realm communities.

Realm wars would be more fun than this nonsense.

Am I remembering incorrect but didn’t horde lose most AV’s in the past, and then blizzard decided to move their starting area from south to more north to give them an equal advantage to the Alliance


Nope. The starting cave where it’s now in Classic is where it was originally. The first time (and only time) it was moved was in patch 2.4.0 in Burning Crusade. For reasons stated here:

As for winning or losing, it really depended on the server. Most of Vanilla did not have any xrealm matchmaking whatsoever, you know? Even when it was implemented, the battlegroups looked very different, and then it depended on the battlegroup.

You can check it out here:

Honestly another AV banwave would make the BG bearable. But at this point I’m kind of thinking they don’t dont want to do it because it would increase Horde queue times. There are something like 20-30 AV lobbies up during the day outside AV weekends which is somthing like 1200 Alliance players. Not many people willing to play AV. Just get the reputation you need on an AV weekend and never queue it outside of the holliday weekend like the rest of us.

They should make the other bg’s pug vs pug and then the solo ranking hordes would join those as well.

Why though? There’s nothing that prevents one side from premading there and it wouldn’t do anything to AV as then soloqueue AB and WSG would be even better for Alliance solo queuers than they are now and it’s already more honor to soloqueue those BGs as Alliance than play AV.

Because then it isn’t the only option for horde pugs.

Even if it would reduce the number of solo rankers on Horde in AV queue (which I highly doubt it would since Horde solo rankers already queue those BGs at the same time as AV) it wouldn’t bring any Alliance rankers back.

EDIT: actually it would do the opposite and even further reduce the number of solo rankers in AV on Alliance as solo queuing AB or WSG would be much better than AV since it’s already the case now even with all the premades you face there.

A lot of hordes only queue AV

And almost no Alliance rankers do. And your proposed change would mean even fewer would.

maybe… but my idea was to balance the level of competition and give more choice.

Ok. But you’re not balancing anything by taking away the few Alliance rankers left in AV.

Fair, I’m only giving an idea/my opinion. I didn’t think any alliance rankers played AV outside AV weekend tbh…

They don’t. Well some still do but there isn’t very many of them. If you want any sort of balance you need something to bring Alliance rankers back not drive the few that are left away in the hopes that enough Horde follow them (which they won’t as I highly doubt any Horde solo ranker would stop queuing AV if your changes were made).

AV HPH on a weekend is usually 10 - 15k mostly driven by better players queuing because it’s actually worth it to stack AB/WSG marks wed + thursday, then spam AV during the weekend to do concerted efforts and stack 20x marks for the upcoming week. The AV HPH on a non-weekend rarely breaks 2k unless you luck out with getting a lot of games against Russians.

A 30 - 45 min AV, where horde turtles at SH/IWB choke until they summon Lok and the 30 minute mark passes for the extra bonus honor, on top of the artificial queue is just not worth it compared to AB. Even with only a 40% win rate, about 2k bonus honor for a win 3-2 win plus kills over in 28 mins max, or get steamrolled by a premade in 6 minutes is about 5 - 6k hph.

Pug vs. Pug makes AB even better for alliance solo queuers, which means even less rankers in AV, and even longer AV queues. The only thing that might fix AV was drastically higher HPH around the level of the old AV premade days.

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Maybe Horde should get better at WSG and AB instead of relying on a map biased in their favour?


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