So many topics to balance av

They don’t. Well some still do but there isn’t very many of them. If you want any sort of balance you need something to bring Alliance rankers back not drive the few that are left away in the hopes that enough Horde follow them (which they won’t as I highly doubt any Horde solo ranker would stop queuing AV if your changes were made).

AV HPH on a weekend is usually 10 - 15k mostly driven by better players queuing because it’s actually worth it to stack AB/WSG marks wed + thursday, then spam AV during the weekend to do concerted efforts and stack 20x marks for the upcoming week. The AV HPH on a non-weekend rarely breaks 2k unless you luck out with getting a lot of games against Russians.

A 30 - 45 min AV, where horde turtles at SH/IWB choke until they summon Lok and the 30 minute mark passes for the extra bonus honor, on top of the artificial queue is just not worth it compared to AB. Even with only a 40% win rate, about 2k bonus honor for a win 3-2 win plus kills over in 28 mins max, or get steamrolled by a premade in 6 minutes is about 5 - 6k hph.

Pug vs. Pug makes AB even better for alliance solo queuers, which means even less rankers in AV, and even longer AV queues. The only thing that might fix AV was drastically higher HPH around the level of the old AV premade days.

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Maybe Horde should get better at WSG and AB instead of relying on a map biased in their favour?


6 days without a victory and counting…

A what? Never heard of it

AV alliance is so bad, even leaving after 30min and then rejoining another after 15min debuff will get your more hph instead of just sitting in one turtle and it still will only be 3-6k at most. this bg is dead for everyone but those rep leeches / bots / afk “rankers”. only AV weekends are good but thats cause high ranks que up and carry the games.

7th day without a victory and counting…

not won a AV since ive played wow classic. (Alliance player) its far from balanced at this present time. Blizzard need to fix it ASAP

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Afaik we have the original AV cave. And they changed the cave location in MOP or whatever.

A stupid question maybe,but here it comes!
Alliance rankers left AV because the honor is better in wsg/ab even when joining solo?

Pretty much yea. The post just bellow mine breaks it down in more detail.

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It was late TBC but yes the current cave location is the original one.

hello I am from the future. they fixed the map and AV now is balanced again! sadly there is no more ranking system, just some offpieces you can buy with honorpoints and marks now, welcome to the burning crusade, see you there <3 !

8th day without a victory and counting…true story.

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