So, Mutilate it is again, huh?

I’m honestly very disappointed in the Rogue changes, or lack there of. In P4 we’re basically back to playing Mutilate by default, with almost no impactful changes besides the occult poison. Yes, we got some AoE now, which is welcome, but it just feels slapped on and overall is just not very interesting.

Saber Slash and the entire sword spec needs some really significant changes to feel somewhat viable against daggers and it’s honestly really sad for it to basically be just as underwhelming as it currently is in P3. The whole reliance on bleeds is just not very attractive as it basically will only ever be decent in long to very long boss fights. Besides that, the beloved combat tree is also completely unusable given the poison related passives in the assassination tree and deadly brew being both mandatory.

Step losing it’s GCD, Shuriken Toss generating more combo points and poisoned knife returning some energy are all okay’ish changes, but overall not impactful whatsoever and in general won’t lead to choosing different runes than you currently are.

Overall I really hope the next rounds of changes really switch up the gameplay and make more than one build viable. I don’t think many people would return to SoD just to spam Mutilate again with the only noticable change being that you now can press Fan of Knives in trashpacks.


What’s the point in shiv when you have poisoned knife and in shuriken toss when you have aoe abilities.

And what’s the point in slaughter from the shadows when you have no spender and poisons scale so hard with deadly brew. Like… In what situation ever would you use slaughter from the shadows. Why isn’t this on the glove rune slot so you can still pick the literal only viable option on your chest for DPS.

There is literally so many options you could have done to make rogue play in different ways. Here’s a couple of ideas
Slaughter from the shadows - move this to glove rune where you know it matches with all the other combo point generating crap they’ve made instead of the chest rune where it makes 0 sense. Make backstab have a % chance to proc ambush being usable outside of stealth.

Delete shuriken toss shiv and main gauche cos why are they in the game?

If you wanted a bleed build make a rune for exsanguinate and make a hemo rune where there’s a chance on hemo stacks being consumed makes garotte proc for usable out of stealth.

Keep your mutilate poison build.
Change you bleed build completely.
Rework saber slash into something more viable with swords like… You know it slashes in a cone in front of you like a 100% damage sinister strike on MT and 60% on everything surrounding you. (So an actual AoE build or something)

I dunno man the thought process for some of these class builds just doesn’t seem like they have put much effort in at all.

And this is my thought process. I’m sure you all think I’m outrageous to state this stuff but I literally don’t care. Blizzard doesn’t appear to really deeply think about these builds and it clearly shows.