So my characters are not loading up

I enter my server and none of my characters are loaded up.
I had this issue last week as well, do i really need to have 1 day a week with no way to playing the game?


Same, the good old usual trying to get another Server to load only to load your actual server right after hasn’t worked either.

Literally just been starring at a black Character Selection Screen…

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Same issue here …

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Same issue here

Same here :frowning:

Hiya. Same issue here.

Have tried all the tricks in the book of emptying cache, clearing out and updating add-ons, even reset my internet connection, but nothing is working.

My partner on the same server has got access to his account, but can’t get in whatever I do.

Same :-//, gg blizz.

Similar issue. Though I was able to login with each character once. Then nothing works anymore, and when I try to login again it says character already exists.

Except on my rogue, where for some reason I get a “Streaming Error”.

Nothing works. Not sure whats going on.

Help plz.

Guys, for this kind of things you never have to reset your internet router/modem connection. That is a standard callcenter rule to have users do that , yes I wrote those things for our callcenter :smiley: If WoW starts up and makes connection then your connection is fine, only option is graphical cards driver update, though as we had this issues 2 weeks ago as well. Its a Blizzard backend issue. Not a users frontend. And Blue posts are useless as they are just friendly agents doing the best they can . though technically there are issues.

same issue black char selection screen on server choice

Same issue. Also, no characters show on any other server.

My characters are not loading either. :frowning:

Same issue here, just forked out for Shadowlands and suddenly all my characters are missing :confused:

Same problem here, black screen and characters aren’t loading.

If I change servers it’s like I don’t have any characters!

Yup, login to a black screen where my characters should be. Can’t switch server either.


Hello, what the hell is going on?! are your servers on fire? might want to take a look at them…

Oh, I had some connectivity issues today logging in for work with a shirty Sky connection, so threw that in the mix as well because why not :rofl:

But yes, generally just their end yes…

Same issues

Same here as well.

So, any blue around to shed some light on the matter?