So Nagrand?

I noticed that the only region they didn’t make an Exploring Azeroth book from yet was Outland. Will we see an Exodus soon after the World Soul saga maybe? Tho Nagrand seems to be a perfect place to start over for the Orcs I am sure Blizzard told us somewhere the whole thing is drifting apart into the Nether over time right?

Afaik Draenor in our timeline is a dying world. They left it for a reason. When Saurfang goes to visit Thrall he says the world looks good but still feels wrong and broken.

So we might get an expansion where we visit there once more and evacuate everyone?

Who knows. If Azeroth gets destroyed we might need to go there as our only refuge.

Be a shame to let Outland rot and be forgotten.

Azeroth wont get destroyed.

It might. Chillout.

don´t think so much on it.

even the red shirt guy gave bliz a hard time with his knowledge of the game, and books.

Outland has no future.

Ok, how ??

Exploring AZEROTH. :stuck_out_tongue:
Outland is very definitely not Azeroth.

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I think they should cover all of Warcraft