So.. next expansion about Murlocs and Wdigo? /jk

It is a trend from what I saw …

Blizcon 2015 - > Murkidon -> Legion 2016 (Illidan/burning Legion)

Blizcon 2017 -> Stormwind Skychaser and Orgrimmar Interceptor -> BFA 2018 (Alliance vs Horde

Blizcon 2019 -> Wedigo/Murlocs gift -> ??? (2020) Wedigo and Murloks expansion


We get two pets that maybe about what next expansion

Finduin = Light (Wearing Like Anduin)
Gilvanas = Shadow (Wearing like sylvanas)

Gilvanas pet is raising undeads…

Anduin Vs Sylvanas again

Or…they finally admit their feelings.

P.S. If it isn’t Shadowlands we riot.

Come on man you know that Anduin is destined to end up with Baine.

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Excuse me? You mean Wrathion glowed up for nothing?


Wrathion is going to be the bad boy that Anduin falls for at first, but then he is going to be left alone after Wrathion goes away to study the old gods.

Baine is going to take him in actually show him true love.

How about this, the horde lose the war and since the next expansion horde player become our slaves, they will do the grinding part, have to do the same quest 1000 times a week but the alliance players get the rep. Alliance players just go their strongholds and set missions, the horde players have to do those missions for us but only we get the gold xp and rep from those missions.

The fantasy version of jim raynor and kerrigan… yuk!

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Yeah No.

Night elves may lose Shadowmeld soon though.

Are the forasaken even members of the horde anymore? I thought the orcs killed u all after sylvanas roflpawned their leader.

I think u guys can have ur own faction so u can enjoy both the strategic planning AND grinding aspects of the game :stuck_out_tongue:

But, those two were actually a thing, lol

Nobody wins a war. There are only those who lost more and those who lost less.

I would pay double price for the Wendigo and Murlocs expansion.


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Take my gold, all of it! For an expansion like that!

Personally the wedingos/yetis/murlocs are iconic in wow.

Was all ways amazed by them in classic :blush:


Interesting things here thought.

They are indigenous to Northrend.

The wendigo of Northrend are believed by many to be the primordial cousins of the southern variety that dwell in Dun Morogh.They differ in appearance from their southern cousins, being significantly larger with more ape-like builds and curved horns.

Wendigo, along with ice trolls, were among the races enslaved by the newly created Lich King.

Maybe my guess for the return of the lich king (or queen) will be true after all. :laughing:


are u implying that the legion didn’t lose the war? or the horde during the events of warcraft 2 didn’t lose the war? they did tho.

I would pay double price to not get it :sweat_smile:

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