So now transmogs going to shop?

do they not feel ashamed af to do that? like literally…
they decrease the amount of dungeons we get in the game all expansion and content overall and keep adding crap and trash to their store to grab our money…


Guess I’ll be getting it for free then :grin:


‘I am vengeance! I am the night! I am Spriteman!’


80 bucks for that piece of rainbow vomit?

I’d laugh if it weren’t so tragic.


Only one I think it looks okay on is Nightborne because their posture helps.

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Why??? Microtransactions for transmogs now???
Really Blizzard ???


Eh, this worries me, with FFXIV I’m fine since they still create good looking armour sets for players, Blizzard on the other hand are owned by the sorts of people who’ll intentionally create crap for the sake of pushing sales on the store.

I’m worried they’ll be a negative effect from this, I’m only speaking for myself here but look at the nya’alotha armour sets, barely minimal effort put into them.


If it could be dyed it would be nice in Black, the animation is nice on the wings from what I can see on Wowhead.

Nah they got around that with the token, some people can already play for free.

It’s not even about looking good. In fact, I don’t mind transmogs being in the itemshop, and here’s why, and also currently transmogs being in the itemshop IS PAY 2 WIN and here’s why:

Blizz has spent all of the time since Cata to make transmog be the only reward that matters. Be it equipment transmog or mounts, vanity is the main thing we all pursue. We farm arena ranking to get that mount, to get saddles.
Blizz starts putting transmog in the itemshop

Now here is where paths can potentially diverge into
a)Blizz just put the only reward that matters in the itemshop, which means the game is pay2win, while technically not being such or
b)Blizz makes the game not about transmog at all and focuses on giving you rewards that matter.

Personally, once I dropped all my transmog, the game became great! I lost all the pressure I felt from farming old raids to get mounts and transmog because… I don’t need it. It is vanity. However, this change also limited how much content there’s for me in the game. Because I’m not gonna spend dozens of hours farming a mount, or doing boring content just to get an appearance, the game itself actually shrunk for me.

In shorts - I hate Blizzard’s reliance on vanity to make the game viable.

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Depending on what is attach to what, I think the gloves, the belt or pants (which ever doesn’t have the hanging fabric), and the boots look usable. I’m not against tmog on the shop, it’s no worst than mounts or pets. It’s also completely optional.


The thing is that because it’s bound to the 6 month subscription plan as well imma have the opportunity to mix and match this…thing with the yeti set.

And then they have the nerve to impose arbitrary transmog restrictions on greys and holiday items. :clown_face:

It’s made worse by the fact they used to do a set for every single class every tier, now they cut it down to just plate/leather/cloth/mail which have all looked pritty bad through the whole xpac. They just keep cutting down/back, it’s a shame but this game is definately not on blizzards high prio list like it used to be


I suppose im used to the idea of having optional MTX transmog items due to being a long term FFXIV player and honestly if its does right in the way that XIV does it I think it could go well.

Saying that WoW community as a whole is far more anti MTX than what id consider XIV community

I assume those designing Armor are not the same people fixing bugs. Totally different skillset is needed for each department.

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so we’re at full on free to play economy models now where you buy skins on the shop? Fair enough. So when is the monthly sub going away?


So why does our armor looks painted on our body in 2020-2021?And not 3d like this one?


I don’t like personally the game shop, but if they give it for free to players who always subscribe with 6 months no problem for me.

Ahahahahahahahaaahahahah! Tbf anyone who spends money on that set is better off without money anyway.