So only monofaction servers then?

I cant believe this is really gonna be it? No new servers with faction balance caps? It worked wonders in SoD
We seriously having monofaction servers right from the start? So everything is just PvE servers then… no real PvP server at all.
Dang… that’s a real bummer. My friends and I were looking forward to Cata. Not gonna happen now it seems :confounded:


Cataclysm is just Blizzard’s way of telling us its time to stop playing Classic.


Surely that’s why they had to open a free transfer to pve servers in sod in a desperate bid to keep some of the rapidly dwindling playerbase being griefed by ganksquads.

There is always gonna be a few overly sensitive snowflakes that though the „pvp server“ tag looked cool and then couldn’t handle being ganked while doing the braindead bis-leveling route. Those people aren’t meant to be on a pvp server anyway
And that’s also not what happened, but sure keep making such valuable contributions to the subject :joy:

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Those people also represent a large supermajority of MMO players. See also why every single “hardcore pvp” focused MMO in the past 2 decades has either crashed and burned hard or divested into focusing on PvE content.

The exact situation happening on SOD right now was in essence what caused the current monofaction servers to begin with.

It’s a good indication that if blizzard has to impose faction locks to make a server truly pvp, it’s because most people would choose not to have it, given the choice.

SoD has the benefit of having no flying mounts. Vanilla WoW was the best time for world PvP.

Never really cared for world PvP in Outlands, but Isle of Quel’Danas was amazing while it lasted.

Part of me agrees that if you can’t accept PvP, then don’t be on a PvP realm.
The problem is how PvP is defined and what people expect.

  • There are PvE players.
  • There are PvP players who loves fair fights in the open world.
  • Then there are toxic PvP players who loves ganking and killing low-level players and quest givers. Usually formed in groups/communities that would be considered gangs IRL.

I assume these PvP gankers would love PvP’ing each others? Right now it seems like they love killing all these snowflakes who - according to you - shouldn’t even be on PvP servers.

I don’t mind someone killing me when they pass me.
I do mind corpse campers who keeps killing me over and over again.
Corpse campers who I hardly can hit due to the level differences.
Corpse campers who start crying when someone strong enough comes by kills them…

This is the difference between what you call “overly sensitive snowflake” PvP players and what I call toxic PvP gankers.

I’ve seen Razorgore being ruled by hordes, forcing alliance to leave.
It doesn’t take many to tip the scale. I left Razorgore when Alliance started feeling dead.
A big chunk of Alliance left for Firemaw… For some time we had somewhat-balanced PvP, and then - bam! Horde gone…

Why? Why did entire factions leave their realm? Why did alliance leave Razorgore?
Why did horde leave Firemaw?

It doesn’t add up in my head…
If players who can’t accept being ganked and mistreated should simply leave… Then who would be left? Would there really be enough? Or would PvP realms then simply die, as there are no easy targes left to gank?


That’s not even a word :joy:
And it’s also false.
WoW was originally that incredibly popular just because of the faction war. And while wpvp is a lot more popular and mainstream in vanilla it’s still a big part of WoW later on (up until Cata).
Pvp servers were and still are far more popular than pve servers.
Yes, there is always going to be some degenerates who get off on killing lowbies and corpse ganking, but those people are a minority and don’t represent the PvP playerbase. But as usual those individuals are taken to paint a bad picture by the people looking to blame someone for their miserable experience.
SoD has seen a drop in playerbase because of the lack of content. If it were as u said because of people disliking wpvp then pve servers would be more populated than pvp servers, which is absolutely not the case - infact pvp servers are more than double in population. So no, u are wrong.

Same with monofaction movements in TBC and Wotlk… it is known that this was an exodus lead by the GDKP „mafia“ and a sheepish follower movement.
The big GDKP guilds leave a server as soon as there is a slight imbalance, because they cannot afford being ganked or having to pvp at all for that matter. When those guilds left an immense exodus of pve/gdkp sheep followed.
Those are facts that have been long and extensively discussed on reddit.

Pretty sure it was because WoW was less hardcore, more forgiving and more casual friendly then contemporaries like Everquest, and not some lame PvP system that was so clearly an afterthought it took them multiple months to even add a system of tracking kills, and yet longer to add any reason you’d farm people.

Where was Wpvp in TBC? Outside of ganking everyone was on their flying mounts, and not really available to be engaged in world pvp.

Most people pick their servers because their friend group goes there. In addition, during 2019 classic you could transfer from a pvp server to a pve server, but not vice versa. More options will always appeal to people.

Thats all that world pvp is. People don’t take fights they think they’ll lose.

PvE players having a miserable experience because they get chain ganked or engaged with in an unfair base situation is obviously a problem with the system allowing that, as well.

Modern WoW server populations are highly FOMO driven. People don’t want to invest time into a character that’ll be stuck on a server that dies. This is even more acute in SOD, where you can’t pay 20€ to fix your mistake and have to just hope that you picked right. Of course that leads to people hyper concentrating into megaservers.

That’s a lot of Agency you’re denying people. Not just GDKP players find it annoying to have their otherwise enjoyable gameplay interrupted by griefers who hide behind the ruleset to justify their antisocial behavior.

Surely, reddit is the source of wisdom.

If you want the wpvp experience, nothing is stopping you from rolling alliance on a horde server or vice versa.

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That’s what we have been doing all TBC and Wotlk… but that’s not an option for many others.
You clearly don’t speak for most people, even less for the big pvp community. Since it very apparent that you just had several bad wpvp experiences. I get that, but that makes u very biased

You do know there’s no such thing right? People on a pvp server aren’t necessarily interested in pvp, for all the reasons I just listed. People who actually seek out and readily engage in PvP, whether it be in the open world, in bgs or in arenas are an absolutely tiny part of the community.

Indeed. Cataclysm had the Tol Barad Peninsula and Molten Front, and I have fond world pvp memories from both. I think it’s quite telling that when Blizzard released the Skettis and Ogri’la dailies in TBC, it didn’t really cause any more wpvp to happen – because people were just flying between objectives. Wrath also didn’t have any daily zones that forbade flying mounts.

I think the problem is exacerbated by the mega-servers, honestly. Personally I’ve always played on RP-pvp servers, and in BFA the concept of “pvp”- "and “pve”-servers kind of died, as they introduced warmode. Initially I played with warmode on all the time, but a few patches in I decided to turn it off. Whenever I ran into the alliance, the problem was that I ran into many of them with few to no horde around. It felt like it was always one-sided.

I think we see the same problem in SoD now. People asking for group invites to “safe shards” etc. The idea of the mega-servers is anti-classic, in my view. Servers should be kept smaller. But I also don’t think that’s what the majority of players want.

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Blizzard could have created new realm with locked factions and 50/50, this realm become bigger and more popular than Gehennas/Firemaw, there is no question, but ultimately I don’t this will work because of permanent OP state of rogues and initial mandatory questing for reputation

in other words, one stealth class is absolutely oppressive and unpunishable and this will be its permanent state, both factions have same quest hubs and quests are mandatory for PVE, like forget about it, SoD has nothing like that rogue faceroll or mandatory open world

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