So, question about werebear form

This happens in all walks of life, coins or stamps as an example. There are limited editions for a reason and if you weren’t there then or didn’t bother then, then unfortunately you missed out. I’d love the White werebear but because I didn’t bother at the time of Legion then I just have to accept that I’m not getting it and rightly so imo.

Impossibility adds rarity, and becasue impossibility stuff worth somehting in WoW, evrything in wow which anyone have is WORTHLESS and not worth a mention.

We all have army of mounts which we never ride because they are worthless, in other words evry monkey has them, no matter if world top 1 artist drawed them, if they are easy to obtain no one raise a brow…

Example is mage tower, blizzard allowed people to get rewards again, did they get? offcourse no instead practicing on wipes they practiced on forums to nerf mage tower, but before mage tower their narrative was " We are skilled , We just missed opoirtunity its not justice to not allowing us opportunity" than blizzard decided to gief them oportunity, and how they behaved?

You are comparing video game pixels to real life commodities such as rare stamps. That is a not a reasonable comparison whatsoever.

Nobody is talking about making them easy to get. Blizzard are well within their capabilities to recreate a new, very difficult challenge in order to obtain them.

They could even add 4 slightly new colour variations to the bear forms in an attempt to keep their exclusivity.

But for the scenario to just be “Sorry. You missed out” is poor.

Yes it is, they thrive on the same reward mechanism as to why they are desirable and people want to collect them. If something has unlimited supply and availability the value tends to be low.

Doesn’t matter if it’s an in-game item or a minted coin from X event. Scarcity and exclusivity are a huge factor in determining value and thus how happy people are to ‘own’ or collect something.

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Exactly, whether it is a real life, tangible object or a bunch of pixels in a game, they are designed to be rare for a reason. If people want to throw their toys out of the pram because they were either not playing then or didn’t bother, I’m sorry but that’s just tough. That’s how things are, that’s how things should be and that’s how things should stay.

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It is only the Fel werebear you can get today. :confused:

If you want the other werebear colors, you needed to have played Legion, back when Legion was the current expansion.

So you can’t get them anymore.

What reason Blizzard removed werebear’s old white/blonde/black/brown ??
My druid had this weapon. Would old colors here and I could go tower…

Oh, If you have the base form of the weapon unlocked (Might of Grizzlemaw), you can still get the other 3 colors by completing the achievements.

Lucky you.

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