So since you have to farm 2 gear sets now for pve and pvp

Ok Mr. pve hero.

Anyways, one item from pvp and one from pve would be fine.

Not really no. Why do you feel the need to attack me based on my opinion? You asked for it, I replied. If you don’t agree with it, that’s on you. No need to attack people on the forums because their opinion is different than yours.

Just because you only play a small portion of the game (pvp) and not the whole thing, doesn’t mean blizzard should cater only to you. Maybe try other things, who knows, maybe you’ll like it.

I dont see his attack against you, you are talking about, but feel free to explain, why not? You probably didnt notice, but pvp and pve gear is now separated and pvp gear will suck balls in pve. Farming 2 complete sets of gear and keeping it updated to remain competitive is pretty big time consumption and literally kills alts. Hm, can you kill something thats already dead? Anyway, I see zero reasons for it to be wrong to get 1 pvp item and 1 pve item.

Because if you want to play something, you should commit to it. You choose what you’d rather have, a pve item cuz you do a lot of pve, or a pvp item, cuz you do a lot of pvp. It’s simple. You should definitely not get both. That would just be stupid. And if you think that it isn’t stupid, then idk. Guess that’s your opinion.

he has a point. in bfa there were 2 chests and you would have them only if you’d play pvp and pve.

If you can commit to doing a raid, mythic dungeons, and pvp all in one week, you should be rewarded with 3 different pieces of gear in the vault. I dont see how/why that is a problem.

I mean ya’ll can keep posting these things, but this will never happen. It will always be one piece of gear. No matter how much you cry and wheep. It will still be only one piece of loot. Accept it and move on.

Nice assumption based on zero knowledge. I DO both. Not raiding that much but i do my +15 keys because i enjoy M+ (mostly on my paladin, if you don’t believe me:

There is no real committing i if castrate myself in pve by choosing pvp gear and vice versa. It literally nullifies my efforts in the bracket i did not take the item from. As Øbvious said, gear is now seperated so giving us the option to take 2 items from seperated brackets just makes sense.

And i did not attack you. You can have your opinion, i just don’t agree with it and reasoned why (you however just said “pls no” without any reason).

So if you have any arguments that don’t boil down to “i think it’s stupid” feel free to share them.

“cry and wheep” holy moly you are one sad figure. :rofl:

And you seemingly don’t have much experience with such issues and how Blizzard handles these. It’s fine, you will learn it eventually. :slight_smile:

The problem will be you will force people to do everything, at least initially because of the ilvl differences (and since some pve gear has versatility).

The previous multiple chests didn’t matter because the pvp one was useless. So yeah, I could see this also being problematic but its certainly going to be more of a grind now to do both.

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There is nothing stupid about being rewarded for content you play, especially when the reward is usable only in that specific content. But I guess you would be happy, if you received only 1 item per week that is usable only for m+ and doesnt work in raids, right?

Erm, the way you are describing this is actually how it was in S1. You had to do everything because for some classes pvp gear was bis in pve (like hpala, haste/versa are pve bis stats rn for m+).

If you only do one content it’s actually less grind in 9.1.

Yeah except in S1 there was only one vault item and getting dupes in the vault, sent you back a week or more, or getting a weapon sent you back further. That will still exist, except that if you mythic raid or m+, you can fill in more gaps faster.

Basically your suggestion will mean if you do all types of content, you will gear up insanely fast at the start compared to anyone who only does one. Whilst in 9,0, you geared up faster but it was more to do with vault duplication that could set you back.

Maybe it would be an excuse to do m+ again but considering they are trying to limit gear, I cant see it happening.

I don’t think you understand what i base my suggestion on.

With the wod scaling pve gear will be useless in pvp and pvp gear will be useless in pve. I would agree with you if that wasn’t the case but since you WILL ultimately farm 2 gear sets getting 2 items will not be a big deal. In fact, getting only 1 item will be since you will not want to do m+ as long as you are not fully geared for pvp and idk, i find this idiotic.

Gear isn’t really separated. It’s just detached from mythic raiding, but everything below that will still have ilvls matching PvP gear outside of PvP content. Unless they’ve changed something since Ion went over the pvp ilvls?

Anyway, that isn’t the part that should be focused on. Question is, why do we have PvP vault rewards in the first place? Just separate the gear PROPERLY (it’s an extreme overstatement to claim that PvP gear won’t be used pre-mythic level in PvE as well), and fix the pacing and timegates for PvP gear to be like the past, without any RNG nonsense, and all will be well. It’d fix every single grief about PvP gear we’ve had this season. Just one ilvl on conquest gear, and one ilvl on honor gear. It fixes power disparity in unrated as well as rated, and gets rid of a lot of boosters (they can’t really oneshot the same way without a gear advantage, which makes boosting too much of a challenge for a lot of the active boosters rn since a lot relies on gear to do it swift enough to be worth it for 'em).

To argue you want 2 vault rewards doesn’t fix the core problem, and has repercussions in the designed gear routes for the player base as a whole. It’s so much simpler to just properly separate the PvP gear properly, and not have any weekly RNG slot machine you feel like you need to farm like the hamster you’re made to become. The core of the problem is that it isn’t separated.
It’s like not being able to see the forest because of all the trees.

What wod scaling? All I see is a PvP upscaling on PvP items by 13 ilvls, and no more. Where’s the PvE gear downscaling? Like this, PvP gear can still be used all the way up to heroic raiding, and PvE gear can still be used up to duelist in PvP.

It’s NOT the WoD scaling.

Pvpers:Pvp gear should be the best for pvp.

Blizzard:Ok pvp gear is now the best for pvp and pve the best for pve.

Pvpers: They are not hurting the right people.

You forgot the part where the pacing and ilvls are still reflecting the PvE designs. The way to gear for PvP should be designed for PvP, not be limited (or in other words, decided) by what the PvE gearing looks like.

And for PvP, having these many ilvls, such huge ilvl differences, and putting in a system of vague artificial scarcity by making it limited to rating which they’re fully aware of how many people tend to get the rating in the first place, makes no sense for PvP whatsoever. The costs of upgrades, the currency acquisition designs, it’s all made to mirror PvE.

It’ll still mirror each other in 9.1, the only difference being that the top PvE gear will only have an ilvl advantage up to somewhere between rival-duelist, and top PvP gear will only work for heroic raiding max so that PvEers won’t feel the need to buy boosts (or to complain about needing to buy boosts) for their mythic progressions.

They’ll still overlap, just like now. All they’re doing with 9.1 is pushing down the extent of the overlapping gear to slightly lower “brackets” so to speak, compared to now.

None really likes the tiered item levels.

Tbh the only thing that should increase with raiting should be the pve item level with a static pvp item level.

But blizzard love tiered systems. :man_shrugging:

But atleast this system puts in a clear divide for the gear so you wont have the inital stream of pvers buying boosts bloating the ladder to then just stop playing.

If they do that, then it messes with the designed meaning of honor and the gear progression design. For example, lots of people have farmed unrated this season, for the insane amount of honor for each upgrade.
But if you mess with that, make it so they don’t get anything in PvP from upgrading, then they basically “remove” the meaning for the upgrades thus making the pure PvPers not queue for unrated unless they like it for some other reason (not many that does), and that effect would occur for RBGs as well.

The upgrades would also still need to mirror PvE just like they do now for the sole reason to not make everything pre-raid meaningless as well.

So to get rid of the ilvl upgrades only to keep it for PvE-purposes would mess with the player psychology behind emotional investment in it. (For example, imagine you’ve struggled to reach the next rating upgrade and you’ve never reached that rating before. But you finally get it, but you don’t feel like you’ve “properly” cleared the obstacles yet to call yourself whatever rating you’ve reached. So you farm the gear so that your gear will reinforce the meaning of the new rating even further, making it so when you call yourself “I’m a complete XYZ player now!” which would have all of that investment behind that statement, but it wouldn’t feel as strong if the upgrades doesn’t even work in PvP.)

Not to mention what it’d do to those who does both, there’d also be those who’d feel upset about needing to PvP for upgrades on the PvP gear in that very slow pace, just because they’re too bad to progress in heroic for example, but having the money/gold to buy regular boosts for rating upgrades for PvE or only being good in PvP for rating upgrades.
Since the upgrades would then only be intended for PvE, people would naturally think of it exclusively for PvE in such cases.

In the end, a truly holistic solution, is to separate the gear properly. People keep moving just a tiny step forward when it needs a big jump forward to solve it.

As long as doing pve isnt mandatory to be competetive in pvp i dont really care how my gear outside of pvp is.

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