Didn't they say they nerf off healing?

No. It isn’t even close. It’s a misnomer to call it WoD gearing.

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Tbh, i don’t think they finished yet 9.1…
My thoughts:
They get pressured to bring the content this month just to have good looking numbers for shareholders.
I mean, cmon TBC AND 9.1. in the same month? Thats huge.

So we basically are beta testers


How come? WoD PvP gear literally worked that way. It scaled up in ilvl once you entered PvP combat

Where’s the PvE gear ilvl downscaling in PvP? Where’s the catch-up conquest? Where’s the way the gear only had “one” ilvl (in other words, no need to upgrade the items like now)?

PvP gear also scaled down way more outside of PvP, because they actually made it a point to separate the gear (well, that’s what they aimed for at least) in order to let the gearing pace be so very different.

What they’re doing in 9.1 isn’t WoD gearing. Not even close.


If PvP ilvl upscales, it automatically makes PvE gear less important in PvP. Isn’t that the goal? Top end PvP gear will finally be the best gear for PvP due to the upscaling

As for catch-up, I’m going to guess there will be catch-up next Season

Alright, just gonna quote the post that goes over it in more detail, where it lists the actual effects of the 9.1 scaling. (Which isn’t the WoD system. It’s just a bare imitation of it.)

The only overlap in WoD, was PvP gear usable (although not great) for heroic dungeons, and affli locks unique stats weight emphasizing haste and mastery so much that their BiS gear for PvP was mixing in a lot of mythic raid with the gem slots on top of it in WoD s3, since when it got downscaled it still led to a lot more damage than the pure PvP gear.

The rest was properly separated. Which we’ll NOT have in 9.1

In 9.1, you’ll still have overlaps for everything pre-duelist and pre-mythic raid difficulty levels. In other words, it’ll affect MOST of the player base. Which WoD gearing would NOT do.


if this is about money they would delay 9.1 for 1 or 2 months so people who are bored of tbc play 9.1 immediately. People subbing and playing both tbc and 9.1 at the same time is more or less a “money loss”.

in WoD you had 2 different sets not 7 different Honor ilvl and 5 different conquest ilevels. Thats a huge difference. Also you got farm a honor set in 2 days.

to be fair this was the case for 99% of the gear last this season too. There was maybe a ring and a cloak that gave overall 0.5% upgrade but in general it was the best gear. The change in S2 with gear downscaling outside of pvp was made so pvers are less forced to grind pvp which also might help the “boosting problem”.

what Ion said in the interview he doesnt seem to think that catchup is a problem at all. I doubt there will be anything done in the near future.

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No they didnt said that. Holinka said that they thibk about implementing something for catchup closer to the end of the season 2. …propably in patch 9.1.5.

Here is my take on that:
Cut healing from all instant heals by half. Even the healer ones.

Boom, problem solved

I always love it when people make stuff up.


You mean trollinka?

Seems their answer to stupidly high healing is to give more dps a MS effect which is just crap. The hybrid dps self heals should be nerfed by 50%.


I mean they always talk rubbish but this time it was like 2 weeks before announcing the release date when they said that, so i thought they have more credit then usual.
Apparently this was false and you cannot even give them any trust as any word they say is forgotten as soon as it leaves their mouth, incredible

that would be very stupid and actually what blizz would probably do.

We are talking about stupid OFF healing not self-healing. Only selfheal that is really out of control is certainly ret.
enh oom quickly
feral has small selfheal but continues if only use their procs
shadow, boomer, ele all is hard casted

if anything you should make OFF healing 50% reduction.

the healing reduction effects (the base 25%) will not change much. It basically opens a little more comps but will not change any damp crap

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So it’s fine for DK and Monk self-healing to be trash but for other DPS self healing to be extremely strong?

And lmao hardcasting? As if that’s an issue for anyone with a brain.

And enh OOMing fast after topping itself and having a fast mana regen makes going OOM a non-issue when the heals are stupidly strong.

Feral has extremely powerful healing, so no clue why you think it’s “small”. It’s nowhere near small. Boomie has strong heals as well, but not as stupid as feral.

Shadow also has strong self-heals.

I’ll give you ele though.

But sure, even nerfing their off-heals to oblivion would be good imo. Something needs to be done because right now the DPS healing is completely out of control.

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They said they would but haven’t. Soon TM.

They don’t need to go crazy with the nerfs. Main offenders are druid and paladins.

Enhance also has a lot of healing but they have weak defensives and very low damage outside of CDs. The healing is the only thing preventing them from being meme tier.

Shadow can do some decent burst healing but ooms after like 4 casts so I think that’s fine. Ele is a similar story albeit slightly weaker with its heals.

Monk’s healing is very weak.

It’s worth noting that DHs and DKs got a lot of their previously OP healing back in the past week…

Only Unholy got some extra healing. Frost didn’t get anything.

All DKs got a buff to Deathstrike yesterday on the PTR. Undocumented so-far but it’s a major buff.

Got a link? I’m genuinely interested. How high is the buff?

All dps healing should be drastically cut or removed completely. Only hybrids should have SOME SELF healing offset by lower dps and healing on their teammates pracitcally non-existent. As of now, it becomes a moot point why would anyone bring healer.
DMG is insane, one-shots still exist, and dps heal like 2/3 of a healer.


Except making a death strike heal for 6k instead of 3k is not “OP heal” as you describe considering it costs half of your runic power to use once. And since nowadays every class has some sort of MS effect it went from “complete garbage” to “might barely save you in a rare case” which is by far not what other classes can dish out.