So, the drop rates

In raids.

I did heroic again, 9/10, gonna do denathrius next run. I didn’t get anything. No loot.

I would like to share with blizzard what not getting loot feels like. It doesn’t make me want to resubscribe, and it doesn’t make me want to keep going. Whoever told you that is not a good data analyst. What it makes me want to do however is to stop playing, to not sub again, to refund, by force, my purchases. After all, if the game does not care about me, ought i to care about it?

Of course, it is ever so exceedingly simple to fix such issues. Because rng is inherently unfair, to extreme levels, there a ways to force the hand of fate towards the player’s benefit.

Bad luck protection for example, the player didn’t get anything? He has a higher chance to receive an ilvl upgrading loot next time. This protection stacks until the rng system is bypassed and the player receives an upgrade with a 100.0% probability.

Token system: if the player did not receive any item excepting anima from the boss, a token will drop. 10 tokens can be traded for any item of the raid that the player wishes for, according the the raid difficulty. The last 2 bosses will drop special tokens, of which 3 are required for an item purchase of their respective item levels. This forces a guarantee that, on average, players receive 1 item per week of full clear raiding. Those who do multiple difficulties are by design and by complete right rewarded more.

You may not agree with my methods, but they are logical and beneficial. I don’t want to hope that maybe after 4 months of raiding I’ll get my items when only God can say if I’ll be alive or dead next week.


Loot is fine. You shouldn’t be full BiS in 1 week. Calendar simulators are bad, I have one of those hung on my wall I don’t need my video game to be one too. Loot # is reduced because the quality is higher (no more reliance on extra RNG-rolls where 9-out-of-10 items were immediately binned because they didn’t TF).

Feel free to unsubscribe if you want. But can I have your gold when you do?


I suspect the bis in a week thing was only ever a problem for a small minority of players. Nerfing the drops unfortunately hits all of us though…


your opinion about loot is trash, merry christmas


Loot is fine, the only problem is players being overly entitled to loot.


So far, what I’m reading from people is “Loot is fine”.

I understand that the loot is fine, but having it drop only for 1 or 2 members in a party of 5 or 3 or 4 for a raid group of 10/25 seems like you just wasted the time of the player.

I get that you want to have loot “mean” something but at the end of the day, what will it mean? Your dedication to a game that’ll you’ll possibly quit after a few years? The fulfillment by flexing players who aren’t as fortunate as you because of luck… (or a bug…?)? The general idea that only those who play 12 hours a day or 24/7 should be given loot and those who are more casual about it should just be locked forever because they have “Lives” and just play WoW to unwind?

Gear can mean something but locking it because locking a “casual” player for being casual and not hardcoring the ever livin’ mother out of WoW is almost like telling people who don’t take money with them to a mall to leave because only those with money can enter. (Bad analogy, but best I can do with lack of breakfast…)

I’m ilvl 190, but apparently I only got my gear because of a “bug” that players cried out that I didn’t earn it, I didn’t do max DPS, didn’t play the min-max characters or followed “How to be a pro at everything!” guides.

You get less loot now, it’s Blizzard trying to make you play longer, but for some people it’s having the opposite effect.


Just unsub and tell your friends to do the same, they will not care if it doesn’t hit them financially. That way, maybe this awful elitist leadership is finally replaced

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Oh yeah, Tell that to me whom has 12 hours per week and not able to dedicate time to do guild ruins and being reliant on pugs…

12 dungeans run, 1 loot. Not even a BIS…

I feel happy? No.

RNG is RNG. Will you complain when you get 4 loot in 4 dungeons? Because if not, that makes you a hypocrite.

And so is yours. :man_facepalming:

Merry Christmas!


Its not RNG is RNG. Its just bad.
Legion was fine, BFA was ffine, minus the TF.

The only reason people complained was because of TF proccing to mythic raid level… or lfr raid gear proccing to mythic raid level…

Factually incorrect, but go off I guess.

An outcome of a random chance is, infact, RNG being RNG. Whether that’s a “positive” or a “negative” outcome simply does not matter. It’s RNG, pure and simple.

I was looking to quote a comment I made in the past about it, but I can’t find it so I’ll just have to paraphrase.

These “big” TFs were never the problem. There’s a reason such a fuss was made on forums over the screenshot of an i930 LFR Draught of Souls, and that’s because it happened so rarely it was like a mini-event.

The problem was that smaller TFs were so frequent they were never a “bonus”, and it was primary source of acquisition. What it DID do is make it so any time it didn’t happen, the gear was just discarded instead. Did a Heroic raid boss and got loot that didn’t TF? Into the bin. Completed your Emissary but it didn’t TF? Into the bin. Opened your M+ weekly cache and it didn’t further TF? Into the bin.

It’s like people forget that back in Legion & pre-8.3 BFA 90% of items they got went straight to the vendor because they didn’t roll extra stats on top of base. We’re actually getting more usable loot now than we did back then, but we actually have to do content to increase our stats not just roll random several-layer-of-RNG chances in easy content :laughing:


Oh and not to mention that I had to get extra bags to store all those useless non-upgrade “epic” items I got from m+ spamming. Sometimes in some m+ “marathon” didn’t had enough time to vendor them so they kept pilling up. :rofl:

I didnt have that problem. Maybe it s cuase my limited time ddnt allow me to spam like you did?

2-3 m+s in every 2nd evening or the so called marathon - 5 m+s on a Saturday. I doubt this is some no-lifer playing.

Apparently that was so much better. Getting a golden coloured turd is still just a turd. But some were very happy with it I guess.

I am fine with the current amount and quality of drops. And since they said they wanted to make the gearing paths equal in speed…count on 21 weeks minus the weekly chest items to gear up in. Simple. We are now in the beginning of week 3, so uhm yea…

OKay So… you’re implying you didnt have enouhg time? And where did I mentijon no lifer? But I would likme to adress your stats that you prorbally did that to yourself that you where ‘swimming in loot’ during BFA seasin 3 but you didnt do much prior at all…

8 months ago = 94 runs in a month. I do what 6 runs in a week?

Thats triple then what I did per month. On top of that you did push really hard where as I never did. Obviously, you’re exaggerating regardless that you had to many loot.

Your loot after 94 runs wouldnt be of use.

I dont run higgh keys, nor have I ever done so unless guild did so at the same time while not minding if they dont time it (A chest/GV run just for completion)

So you do less content at slower speed but is demanding to get loot showered(looking at other replies) as much as any “no lifer”. Do I detect some entitlement in the house? :male_detective:

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I am a casual player. I dont have time to do more and it worked fine for in legion and BFA…

You where the one showered.