So the fix to the auction house is to just turn it off? For how long?

How long is the auction house supposed to be disabled now? This is a really bad look Blizzard, to have such a fundamental part of the game inaccessible. What’s the ETA on this?


Bro people literally lose millions of gold on ah because items vanish, in my opinion is late but need a fix

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My point is they should be fixing it instead of disabling it all together.

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I hope it comes back soon…
I want to sell my flowers I picked all day :<

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Dude, how do you think they are fixing it? There are many technical issues you cant fix while the part that needs to be fixed is running. so give them the time they need. If they dont do something, everyone is raging, if they do something people like you are crawling out, crying again. like wth…


And how do things usually get fixed, both in the virtual world and teh real world?

By taking them out of service so that repairs and maintenance can be performed without causing even more damage and /or risking someone´s life

I´m sure your auto mechanic loves the idea of rotating your tires or doing an oil change while you´re driving down the highway at 120kmh, and there´s absolutely nothing wrong with replacing your mainboard while your PC is still running… :rofl:

And the latter is especially pertinent here, because for all we know they could be replacing /upgrading the hardware that the AH subsystem runs on… :wink:


I’m not sure I understand the argument here. You want it fixed (we all do), but don’t want them to fix the AH as it’s offline. However it can’t be fixed without taking it offline, but it can’t be taken offline but where’s the fix?

Am I following?

For the record it’s very tedious that the AH issue has cropped up yet again in another expansion. TSM/Scripts will get a lot of flak for this (and it’s more likely the scripters to be fair), however this has been happening on and off since a lot of the stuff went region wide so in (extremely uneducated viewpoint), there’s something funky with the region coding for the AH.

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But it´s also entirely possible, since this issue always seems to rear it´s head iimmediately after a new expansion (and we also 100% did NOT have this problem during EA when I assume hundreds of thousands of players without EA were still taking their end of expansion break) to a lesser degree at the beginning of a new season, that it´s merely that the system is incapable of handling the requests of the literally hundreds of thousands of users accessing the global AH at any given time as opposed to the max 10k of the previous realm-bound system (if everyone on realm X was online and using the AH at exactly the same time).

And that is something that only ahardware upgrades,. specifically CPU and Ram, can alleviate… the question is, does the hardware required to pull it off easily actually exist, or will it require extensive clustering and or upgrades to all the machines of the current cluster to pull off (which is what I expect to be the case).

And while you can theoretically perform maintenance on single machines in a cluster without taking the whole thing offline allowing its continiued use at a lower performance, which is what Eniuu is hoping for, it´s generally regarded as best practice to take teh whole cluster offline when doing hardware or global system upgrades to avoid compatibility issues or mirroring errors, which can potentially brick the entire system if things get pear shaped.

And to be frank, it´s kind of impossible to reduce current AH performance any further anyway, as it´s already unusable for the vast majority of players… so you might as well just take it it offline and do it properly instead of tempting fate and potentially having it shut down for 2-3-4x as long while you painstakingly rebuild the entire software suite and databases and have to spend literally days just reimaging drives and mirroring data.


I hope AH is back before weekend! It is Friday!

GL with trying to buy something xD

I have items put on the ah this morning like 08 server time still they never appear in the AH. there is items that are sold from yesterday but I still see him in the AH
wtf is going on how 7 days nobody can fix this
did only one junior developer work in blizzard ?

Legit it is just nuts. It’s a maddening experience and they should be spending more time urgently fixing this or having TSM/Auctionator addon queues limited or disabled for the time being.

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