Once again: you expected a ton of ‘‘good’’ corruption gear already even tho it is as random as titanforging or warforging.
Is it required at all? no, its a nice bonus to have.
And yes it is an amazing increase in player power. But you are making it out to be your paladin is totally useless.
Yes, it is bad you soaked equally amount of time in both, but 1 more week to play on your paladin and the tables might have turned since thats how RNG ‘‘can’’ work.
I post on my hunter simply because i want too, i know what i am talking about and have been raiding for years, i run M+ on a '‘high lvl"’ and enjoy the content on 2 of my characters (which you would have noticed: are classes with a tank specialization since i wanted to be clear about the experiences i had with corruption)
You are talking about the corruption and the uses it has for raiding and your ‘‘disability’’ due to lacking said corruption and holding your guild back, okay in that case i am a few days off.
However the raid is just open for 10 days or so. And i am saying this because pre-raid corruption items are good and sim well, but are trumped by ilvl pieces without corruption if we talk 460 or higher ilvl due to stats being more important than.
I never said this straight up, i said:
Play the character you want to play and dont bother too much about corruption right now, it will come over time.
Either from raid bosses or group content or the weekly assault or any other source of gear basically.
And swapping a character just because of some ‘‘better’’ corrupted items is in my eyes still a bad call if you dont enjoy the game as much as you do on the paladin.
Moving away from the paladin now and ‘‘making’’ your druid your main due to its current corruption pieces doesnt solve your problem at all.
The paladin will just get behind and lack or lose out on chances to get better corruption gear because you will: bother less with M+ or raiding or whatever since it doesnt have the proper corruption pieces at this moment, only 10 or 12 days into the whole patch.
So i stay with my original posts and remarks that i have made in this thread so far.
And nobody is forcing you to play the druid because it had a bit more luck with RNG.
It sure can be annoying but i wont let my fun be ruined because my DK has a few items with better corruption than my warrior. (and i prefer playing my warrior currently)
But i guess you wont believe that, since i am not going to link any armory or even bother to link it.
TL/DR: The corruption system isnt making you play whatever has the highest or best corruption gear, if you wanna min max it like that, thats your own choice.
Changes coming! So corruption effects arent so powerful anymore!