So the mythic + event next week, alright

how am I supposed to run 32 ruby life pools runs in a week?

Is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to try to maintain 8 characters?

Use some common sense.


32 Ruby life pools runs isnt even that bad, most of all it sounds boring, but you can probably do that in 5-6 hours, Ruby life pool runs takes 10-15mins tops

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Why 32 runs? I mean noone is FORCING U to do even 1 M+ key lets stand 32. Lol

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ofc I’m not forced but it’s a targeted BiS upgrade.

in the past events i could freely skip chars because going for a random thing could be unrewarding. now i feel like i’mma set myself back hard if i don’t lol

Do you have 8 characters that you run more than 4-8 m+ runs per week?
Then you have enough time to do it anyway.

Do you have less characters than you do 4-8 m+ runs per week?
Then you do not have enough crests anyway to utilize those extra bis bullions anyway.

I swear people complain for anything.


Ah yes, the old ‘i feel forced’ nonsense. The reason we dont have meaningfull character progression in alot of content now.

This is a psychological issue on your behalf. Go see a shrink.

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You gonna set yourself back from what ? Leveling 0.1 percent slower in 3 months ?

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i usually go for raids and 1, max 2 M+ on chars
 not even on main i ever do 5-8 :smiley: im kinda addicted but im not a moron
there is no real difference between 1 person running 8 M+ on main and me doing 8 M+ on 8 chars, ok?

I’ll only do the 4xM0 quest with two characters: my main and one alt that I do keys with anyway. My two other LFR-suitable alts will only do LFR for bullions. Those two don’t buy gear, only cosmetics. Not doing M0 with them.

Simple. Dont have so many toons.

I only have 2. Its EZ

I will have no problem running 4 dungeons on my mistweaver and shaman.

For the purpose of this thread there is.
The one that runs 8m+ on a single character has enough crests to upgrade his bullion items and are in fact bis.

On the other hand, if you run 1m+ per week, you will not have enough crests to upgrade your bullions items, thus rendering this “bis upgrade” kind of pointless.

Jesus could you cry any more?

You. Don’t. Have. To. Do. Any.

This is why we can’t have nice things.
Show some restraint, do better.

yes, BUT you get free hero or myth track gear and once you finished your main you can run some more dungeons for cresys on your alt which is probably already 510 ilvl by then without upgrading anything.

i am always gearing many toons by this method from day 1.
bullions help with that and if i get a hero weapon or trinket drop, you can upgrade your bullion items pretty fast too, especially with flintstone reductiin due to main

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Only my main is doing the weekly stuff. The rest of my alt army will kill 2 bosses in lfr and be done for the week. Honestly even killing 2 bosses in lfr is barely wort hit tbh.

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I have 10 characters that I play and gear weekly. You need to remember that you can stock up on Bullions with 3 wings of LFR after the 8th week easily. Just relax man and reap the rewards of the catch up mechanic.

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yeah - but they gotta be 463 itlv to hit the lfr gate treshold

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Setting yourself back hard in s4 :sweat_smile::clown_face:

I have pulled 7 of them up from 460 to 486 in two evenings.

Step 1: Do weekly emissary quest, get a bunch of Drake and Whelpling Crest.
Step 2: Convert Drake to Whelping and get all the Enchanted crest.
Step 3: Get some 486 crafted gear for your alts. Easily 4 items in one go.

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