ppl got full conquest gear cause there was a bug where u can faction change and cap again.
ppl killed last boss in mythic cause it was bugged.
u cannot get ur sockets on recrafting anymore cause its also bugged?
just reset whole season 2
Now go and try m+ to carry on the endless list of bugs. I understand they dont give a flying f about pvp, but nothing seems to be working at this point. We should get paid instead of paying for this.
exactly they should refund anyone aor give 3 months free to everyone
So disgusting they didn’t revert people actually abusing the system.
Off topic, but as we speak about bug, I got a bug yesterday as sp I could press endlessly devouring plague but it didn’t goes off for some reason for around 10 sec on multiple game (no server or internet issue).
blizzard at it finest again
Shareholders in shambles now
Funfanct Master´s call also bugged if u dont have the specific only working Macro, Sv/Bm is unplayable because Freedom wont work
it got reported 10 days ago on the ptr, and still not fixed, they bring the bug live, max incompetence from this company at this point
who would have thought that applesoft makes the game worse
How is this possible if faction change is 3 days cd?
it was bugged what you dont understand from it? u can insta faction back
Shouzo-Xavius check him out
Probably Elon Musk’s new WoW account, move along
So best to either unlock conquest or roll it back
Can just block that persons account for 11 weeks. Should be enough time for everyone to catch up.
Where are the dissatisfied voices? With whom am i even playing, arenˇt there real players anymore? How could community let this wealthy aholes get away with this?
At least bring back recraft for sockets or give everyone free sockets. Getting free focusing lens+ several sockets worth more than 15k honors a joke.