So there will be Mists of Pandaria mode on retail... hope they won't give up on classic

Cata will be dead so fast bro that even blizz wants to just rush it in less than a year lmao

SoD will die before cataclysm ends. Phase 1-3 lasted 6 months and thats more than 50% of the game, SoD has 1 or maybe 2 phases left and each phase dies every 3 weeks.

Cata is being rushed because TBC died within a year (less than a year tbh) Wotlk DIED in phase 2 2nd week and ICC died literally 2 weeks after release aswell. That is why they are rushing Cataclysm (and will rush MoP), because classis is dying fast each phase in every classic iteration.

SoD each 3 weeks ded
TBC 2 weeks after any new phase ded
Wotlk best raid died 2 weeks after release
Vanilla era servers ded

The 2 year cycle is not working for keeping people invested in the game.

And lets not forget that what they want is funnel people into playing war within.

Dont know what you are talking about, but im having a blast in sod, Its realy fun. But ofc its nothing for the nolifers or mythic+30 andys

Yeah that dude is completely clueless and speak nonsense in a favor of an expansion (cataclysm) which by cold, raw factual stats was a disaster.

During it’s active time it retained 10 million players, hows that a disaster ? It was also the time the population peaked its highest it ever has.

By sub drops Mop & wod were the disasters.


Some people had a blast in WoD too and thats ok. Again, I like SoD but its just a custom vanilla server without any notorious new content. You like it? cool, doesn’t change the fact that it will die before this year ends and its only really “alive” 2 weeks after each new phase patch.

Cataclysm started with peak wow subscribers, retained 10 million players THE ENTIRE EXPAC when mmos were dying and Mobas were the “new royalty of gaming”, MoP lost in just 1 patch the same number of people that cata lost during the entire expansion. Cold, raw factual stats are on my side and I know the context behind all of the data because I was there and I remember everything that happened back then, starting from the extreme hype for cataclysm, the backlash of the 85s heroics, the ghostcrawler “git gut” post, the 18 month long DS patch that was the ONLY big problem in a really good xpac, the BRUTAL backlash for the pandaria trailer, the big drop of subscribers in 5.1 and how amazing were 5.2 and 5.3 but the bleeding didn’t stop because MoP were the most hated expansion ever until WoD.

In WoD the “Vanilla/progressive servers” petition started and somehow people started saying that the problem of WoW was Cata because LFR, something that it was inplemented ONLY in the last patch, and the “destruction of the old world” as if the old world was better (it isn’t btw).

Its really frustrating reading forums or people who just weren’t there and are repeating “facts” that are just wrong.

That is what happens with time I suppose, people said that Vanilla was amazing and so much better than Legion (At that time), then Vanilla started and was fun for like… 3 months before the most obnoxious comunity was formed. Everyone said TBC was tier S expansions and TBC classic almost killed classic. Everyone said wotlk was THE EXPANSION but again, wotlk classic proved that wotlk is simply ok. Now the same people are saying that cata is where wow went bad… I wonder if they are wrong here too.

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And because WOTLK died, yesterday I could barely find fishing spots in the world without others…

Weird, all fish are worth 10-15 silver each and you can buy then by thousands in every AH because the bots are farming 24/7.

Try to talk with those “others” and write in a paper who talk back and who doesn’t, you will be surprised.

I wouldn’t call brutal people, who lost interest to the game because of pandas. The raiding content and new challenge mode for dungeons were a great content for the start of the expansion and PvP was considered one of the peak form in WoW history, but of course those “brutal” lost suscribers never got there because all they didn’t wanted to put any effort and used happy farm, pokemon and kung-fu pandas as an excuse to quit.

The volatility of the playerbase is entirely on Blizzard’s own hands, because they created instant gratification via LFD and LFR systems that let to most casual players jumping ship every patch once bare minimum effort was required to progress further.

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I was talking about only the trailer. The day the trailer dropped people were furious in the old forum (not old-old forum i meant the new old forum…) people hated the trailer but were divided about the xpac, some people didn’t want to play in “pandaland” but the majority of people didn’t mind it (but still hated the trailer because it was too “kung fu panda-ish”.

The big drop came with 5.1 being so mid (i would say bad in comparison to 5.2 and 5.3) only the “PvP zone events” in krasarang and more dailies.

After 5.1 (and the big drop to 7.5 mil) 5.2 and 5.3, both bangers btw, just maintained the 7.5 mil and after (another) 18 months of SoO people left again like they did with 18+ months of DS.

What I’m trying to say is how times warp the memory of people, MoP just before WoD was launching was the most hated expansion ever, and by far, even with 2 of the best patches. But now, since “Classic” started, somehow the people started to hate onto Cataclysm and praise MoP while saying things like: “Cata changed the talents that is why is bad” (MoP thing) “Cata introduces LFR and thats the worst thing about modern wow” (LFR was only in DS meanwhile LFR was a must do for progression raids the entire of MoP).

For me personally the most fun i have ever had was during Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. PvP in both exp was amazing and really fun, but I still don’t know where this people hating Cataclysm and praising MoP at the same time came from.

And I’m betting that they are people who didn’t play back then or they were too young or didn’t interact with the community through 2011/2014. It only make sense if you are using the in-famous subs graph without having any context whatsoever about what were happening in gaming at that time.


Cata did not retained 10M. It started on that at launch and then tanked hard. Same for MOP

Just look at the data, most of cata subscribers were over 10 Million only at the tail end did it drop below.

If you only go by subscriber count, like you sub number andys do, then cata is the second most popular expansion.

Yes it did. It only dropped below 10mil to 9.1 during DS draught to MoP launch.
Which is understandable as Cata endgame held out way to long. But that is a separate issue as all expan had this. Even wotlk, where they added a new raid just to give ppl stuff to do.

But honestly I would love a deepdive investigation video on why Wow in general tanked subs after Wotlk. Like game changes, outside changes like new & upcoming mmos etc.
Potential burnouts, like many WF guilds had, just watched Preaches video.
Edit: The fact that classic, tbc & wotlk, had 3 separate Warcraft games building up the hype. And building a strong foundation. There was nothing like that for Cata or MoP etc.

Edit: another pointer @Shadowpala it did not start on 10 mill, it started on 11mil.
Launch of Cata had the highest peak of players, higher than Wotlk.

Legit couldn’t care about Mists of Pandiarrhea. Totally ruined the lore for me. Garrosh got turned into a raid boss, Varian into some anime warrior, terrible just terrible.

Cata started being peak subscribers in wow history 12 mill and only dipped below 10 mill after 16 months or so in the last patch to 9.1. The entire expansion was well over 10 million. 4.1 and 4.2 retained 11 million for its entirety.

The cold, raw factual stats confirms that you are wrong.

Considering Blizzard had a higher sub count during MoP than now, I’d say you’re incorrect.

Nah, I’d rather have my actual MoP Classic than remix.

A ‘‘remix’’ within retail isn’t the same as the actual MoP expansion.


I want the same MOP experience as it was before. With the unchanged Vale of Eternal Blossoms until patch 5.3. With the content being released gradually - Landfall, the purge of Dalaran, then doing quests on the Thunder Isle, doing Lei Shen, then the Darkspear Revolution and retaking Razor Hill.

None of the abovementioned things will be present in the Remix.

As well as the Legendary Cloak quest chain, which was pretty darn neat in lore - and they removed it. :roll_eyes:

They already know Cata is a disaster and they either rush it (confirmed that they rush it but unconfirmed what’s next) to push MoP or they gonna shut down classic servers because it’s gonna be a huge ghosttown.

We’ve yet to see if Cata is a distaster.
People on the forums (this one and elsewhere) complain a lot.
But on my server literally everyone is at least willing to try it. So… regardless of what forum people think, it will be played.