She started her rampage against the Horde in MoP though
He killed hundreds if not thousands of Humans in the Goblin intro quests (if I am not mistaken)…he sinks all their ships and kill them all…yes they were at fault for kidnapping him when he was on his trip to save Azeroth (and not even the Warchief anymore), but still…that was quite a lot
First the Shal’dorei must help the Blood Elves curing their magical addiction completely (like Illidan promised Kael even if that promise was not fulfilled despite the magical siphoning method they learned from him), then we can talk about a new Sin’dorei chapter about losing the Sunwell (again), otherwise the story would be too similar to WC3 and TBC I think (also, this time I would prefer that they don’t lose any huge part of their population with the Sunwell, AND that one of their leaders (Rommath this time?) don’t get corrupted in a shameless way by fel magic and the Burning Legion just because, to the point of needing a redempion arc in the afterlife many years later like it happened to Kael…
although without the Sunwell and their magical addiction anymore, I would agree that would be a step even closer to make the Blood Elves identical to the Humans…
I think the magical addiction needs to be there, because the Blood Elves are masters of the Arcane, so to have no magical addiction - your cutting the chocolate out of the chocolate cake. The Blood Elves can go down to the “fel/arcane/blood magic emphasis” route again - but a shake up needs to happen. Let us not forget that a 2nd time round of losing the Sunwell, they would have more knowledge on other forms of magical items that could sustain them. Maybe the Arcane Crystals from the Netherstorm?
The thing with the Nightborne was that they grew free from the Nightwell’s influence via a tree (which sort of ties the kaldorei/shal’dorei together in that regard) but we’ve also got to remember that even though the Nightwell and Sunwell were/are both potent - they were both created from completely different sources.
The Nightwell was a fount created from one of the Pillars of Creation - the Eye of Aman’thul, whereas the Sunwell was created from a vial of the original Well of Eternity in Zin-Azshari. Let us not forget that the Night Elves of ancient felt the loss of connection to the Well, when Azshara told Xavius to simply put all the fount’s power into the portal which stopped the kaldorei from, outside of Zin-Azshari, feeling it’s power.
In this regard, the ancient Night Elves and the current Blood Elves went through similar things when they lost their relative founts of power. (Granted Azshara’s Well wasn’t “lost” per say, but she had instructed that all of it’s power go towards the portal for Sargeras, but the elves felt the loss of it’s power.)
Now what is interesting, is if we look at the lore for these Elven founts - the Blood Elves and Night Elves have founts that are vials from when an Old God was ripped out of the planet from thousands and thousands of years ago. The Nightborne had a fount of power which was made out of the Titan who ripped said Old God from out of the planet.
Jaina never harmed the horde. Thrall however partipated in wars and killed countless loyal Alliance soldiers.
When you nuke a woman’s city, she will get angry. Tyrande and Jaina should be proof of that.
Except Jaina didn’t lose it until the theft of the Divine Bell in Dalaran, she was almost chill after Theramore.
Not in the novel about it, where she was about to just flood Orgrimmar and drown everyone there after Theramore, and had to be stopped by Thrall, and Kalec, I think.
Yeah, so almost chill since she didn’t do anything to the Horde after Theramore.
Biggest BS I have ever read. Everyone knows Jaina is a mass murderer. I will ignore your trolling attempts from now on and only answer to those people who accept alliance bias as what it is. Now be so kind and screw off back to the german forums.
Please don’t tell me your arguing with yourself because honestly - I can’t cope…
Erevien is right in one thing tho, a character that is going to commit genocide but he/she’s stopped at the last moment either because he/she is killed or convinced/forced to stop himself/herself, he/she’s basically a potential mass-murderer who almost committed genocide, and even if he/she failed to do it because he/she was stopped by someone else, the evil intention is still there…
and not just Jaina, the Alliance is quite full of people who “almost” committed genocide but then were stopped at the last moment before it happened…sure, it’s still better than the characters in the Horde since in the Alliance they don’t take the final step, but still as I said the bad intention is still there if nobody stops them. So it can still be hard to trust them for Horde players.
Garithos “almost” committed genocide on the Blood Elves if Lady Vashj had not rescued them allowing them to leave Dalaran and reach Outland.
Daelin Proudmoore “almost” committed genocide on the Orcs and New Horde as a whole if Jaina hadn’t helped Thrall and Rexxar killing him (probably).
Vereesa probably would have committed genocide on the Sunreavers rather than imprisoning them (feeding a shark with one of them, really?) if she was left unchecked by Jaina.
Alleria probably would have doomed the Blood Elves, Quel’thalas and possibly the world too if Rommath and Thalyssra hadn’t been there stabilizing the void portal in the Sunwell after she touched it on purpose (she perfectly knew the Light in the Sunwell would have reacted badly with her Void)
Arthas managed to do it in Stratholme exactly because Jaina and Uther preferred to go away and leave him alone rather than stopping him there…
and probably others I forgot…
…so as you can see Horde players are not really supposed to implicitly trust Alliance leaders just because they usually are stopped before committing genocide, a little push is all that it takes to make that final step after all
Maybe it’s not the same person, just someone imitating him but in the Alliance…maybe from the US too, Erevien has quite a bad reputation in the forum there…
Except Jaina still had faith in the Horde after Theramore and defended it when she refused Varian’s suggestion to rid Dalaran of Horde citizens.
Garithos has never hidden his racist nature, he was never a kind or neutral character
Daelin Proudmoore was a known racist too
Unlike Jaina, Vereesa did not find peace in her heart after Theramore. She was hostile to the Horde before that by the way unlike Jaina.
I don’t see how she belongs to this list given the fact that she has never tried to do anything particularly harmful to the Horde citizens. There was no malicious intent on her part when she went to visit the Sunwell
Never have I implied that at any point in this conversation (or anywhere else for that matter). My comment was solely on Jaina’s case between Theramore and the theft of the Divine Bell.
Yep, their achievements, pet and mount collections are different which indicates that the player (or the account at least) is not the same. I could be wrong but I don’t think that Blood Elf Erevien is from a German speaking country.
Thrall’s “neutrality” was a joke he was still a card carrying member of the horde in the goblin intro quest but then again metzen’s self insert is responsible for some of the worse writing in cata i pity the alliance having to put up with this clown’s wedding lets not forget that this idiot put the goblin leader in charge despite said goblin leader had black mailed his people just moments before thrall is and always was a awful judge of character after all he was BFF with Grommash the repeat offender who did not drink demon blood once but Twice and anyone in their right mind would not say he freed them from the blood curse when this moron was the one who inflicted in the first place if anything he cleaned up his own mess
Biggest BS I have ever read. Everyone knows Horde leaders are mass murderers. I will ignore your trolling attempts from now on and only answer to those people who accept Horde bias as what it is. Now be so kind and screw off back to the german forums.
They should hire myself and Hellaynnea.
I can’t comment on the other races, but between us, we’d make sure Blood Elves and Nightborne weren’t left out.
Please do everyone a favor and post on your alliance. You are not Horde. And blood elves are patriots. Everyone knows you only post to insult the Horde as a faction. You don’t fool anyone.
listen i know your lacking in the brain dept and thus you just don’t get it but i don’t have any alliance toons you see unlike you i love the blood elves but i hate the horde
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