So to get glad mount this season, I have to beat all the AWC champions in normal 3s, right?

I never cared about 3s since shuffle existed, but when it comes to pvp rewards, the only thing worth mentioning and not being an absolute trash visual, is the glad mount. Did blizzard make any changes in tww to the mount reward system or is the only way to get it to steamroll all the poor awc players with a stable lfg team I will definitely find?

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But… it is as you said absolute trash visual this season :rofl:

I like it how he explicitly didn’t call the winged faction-specific rat a trash visual.

Nice seaosn i want too reach my first 1800 on HolyPriest in shuffle

Was stopping 2s or shuffle on other speccs because there it would be too EZ Kappa

So i only need rank 100 on Holy Priest for the simple 1800 mogg wich in some season you get per default Qing up

My best rank last season was R35 and got 2430 or so

Did u get ur glad already?

Yes. Arena as a whole died when SS became a thing.

That being said. The restriction of MMR and rating early season was the cherry on the top. Who tf wants to hit 1.6k and start meeting AWC players.

Whenever me and my partner push for 1.8k every season on the first week it was bad enough meeting streamer after streamer. Now it’s just the norm.


I haven’t even gotten my high warlord yet, haven’t touched the game in 2 weeks xd

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