So.. Valor points system

Well, if they take an additional week to sort out the migration of old items into the new items and thus “release the compatibility” a week after 9.0.5, customers would be much less angry :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it is alot more time consuming than a week, I would guess atleast 3 weeks.

“So, Verapike, why don’t you do endgame content in WoW?” :thinking:

We can’t say this.

It’s equally likely that the table PlayerItem has gained a column UpgradeLevel. The default of this is of course, zero.

This would immediately affect all items everywhere. And mean there is no technical limitation at all.

Turned out there wasn’t one for the corruption vendor.

Maybe this is cynical, but it does also match with known Blizzard behaviour. Hopefully, enough players and high profile youtubers will raise the concern that this is deeply unfair, verging on offensive, and the limitation will evaporate.



Or even just… say that they can’t do it on launch, but it will come within 2 weeks.

Lack of comms really undermines Blizzard on every occasion.

Players: not expecting valor until 9.1… “at least it will be there eventually”
Blizzard: here, have valor in 9.0.5
Players: literally cheering and apologising for their cynicism
Blizzard: but it’s new customers only. you have to get the same drops you worked for all over again


As a reference I can tell you about the time I was working with a product catalogue that was going to cater 14 different countries and mulitiple portfolios ) that would mean that one component could have over a thousand versions of it self at any given time. Now adding a new column on an existing component was not easy.

In our datamodel we had components, root components, child’s etc - that inherit attributes from lower tiers. It really depends on how complex the datamodel is - does it cater to revision - audit - versioning etc.

Indeed the exact technicality within WoW´s datamodel and what the issue really is, is merely a guess. But from playing the game, we know that there is an audit / versioning of items.

Interesting desicion once again. So i need to grind my 200 ilvl trinket again to upgrade it.
If only i can slap you blizzard if only i can slap you


Booooooooooooo. I understand this argument, yet it doesn’t make sense. It just means players who finally got gear they need, will just have to grind to get it again. Feels more punishing having to get something to drop again, when you have already spent ages on getting e.g. a certain 210 ring with a socket.

As a lot of other people mentioned… People won’t see a reason to do mythic+ before the release of the patch now.

I guess this is what you want though? You can keep people subbed due to rewards in the future, but you don’t care if players actually play the game, as long as they are subbed.

Tbh, I would have expected a simple data format like:

PlayerId, ItemId, ItemLevel, TertiaryStatId, EnchantId, UpgradeId

And since this data isn’t held client site, it can have one column added and it affects every item in every player’s inventory.

But of course, I don’t know that it is this simple either. I’m saying we can’t really judge, but previous experience has proven that ‘technical limitations’ can go away when the playerbase unanimously rejects them.

Which means that the term no longer has any meaning, and we will never trust it again.


What you really wanted was that item from your vault; you probably never got it, but maybe you managed to get it at 207 after many many runs of a dungeon.

And now, if you want to engage with the new upgrade system, you have to go get it again.

Blizz once again invalidating player effort and denying us a simple progression path.

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If you had a very simple databasemodel - sure. But one that holds the entire itemization of WoW and its many versions / attributes / rolls / revisions - it will be much harder. Easiest and fastest implementation would be to create a new set of items that are compatible with the new system. The work is not simply in the DB, but the underlaying system in the back-end as well.

Called it.
This is exactly what I feared.

One inkling of a step forward, just to Kotick-all over it with greed.
“Keep them subbed but do not give them anything besides false hope which in turn keeps them subbed.”

I am kind of tired…
“Kind of”.
Past 5 years have been all about;
Increase casino-rng

Can you stop ruining the game and crush our hopes already?
I already unsubbed and waiting on the time to lapse out cause of this, just booping around meanwhile but I am utterly gutted and feel heartbroken by the treatment of this game now.

“Technical Limitation” = Metrics & Sub, Kotick’d.
You “fixed” corruption gear.
You “fixed” corruption vendors.
You “fixed” so many things that you had already “fixed” before…

Legion legendary vendors. MoP gear upgrades and tokens. Wotlk badges. List goes on of good user friendly systems that you used to have, that let players PLAY how they wanted and feel progress on things. Change things in their own ways.

Now it is all about leashes and money.
Its too obvious and we are heartbroken by your continous greed and lack of compassion.


I don’t think they do have versions however. That classic had to be reverse-engineered suggests they really didn’t have a way to backtrack easily.

I mean, there will be mass backups, but I don’t expect that the same item is listed under each different patch with tweaks that happened to it.

Still, don’t know for sure.

And either way; the outcome is unacceptable for players. People have put a lot of time into grinding up their best items, and now they’re told to do it twice.

Called it… I am so frustrated, sad but sadly not surprised.
Its so cold and greedy.
I have named this move “Kotick’d”.

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Back in Vanilla that was true, but since many years back - there is revisioning / audit and versioning (as you can see this actually in game).

I know it will sound harsh but I just have to say it:
Either its corporate spiel or being tone deaf. And neither looks really great.

It doesn’t impact me but boy did you guys not read the room.

You can always replace those outdated items by mail. I’m sure there are many workarounds for those technical difficulties. Is it that hard to give players something without forcing them to re-do what they already did?

Edit: It’s the kind of things where people start to think ActiBlizz designs the game around wasting peoples time more than what is considered enjoyable.


The same technical reasons you had for corruptions also that you u-turned on within a week? Be honest. Aint technical reasons. You just want us to be grinding out game time again.

Horrid thing to do mid-season by forcing us to grind our m+ gear again.

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What kind of technical limitation is this?

I remember during WoD, HFC gear became upgradable mid patch but none had to refarm it again


As someone works in software development, I gurantee you the term of “technical reasons” used these days in the industry is by meaning “we run out of time for maximum profit”


This is horrible.
Please forward a message from your fans that we are tired of being kotick’d.

We want a game that is fun and rewarding.
We want to be able to do things without leash or whip.
We want to get things the way they should be - not limited, timegated and Casino-RNG’d.

You “fixed” vendors in Legion end so we could buy leggos. We rejoiced. Said “They learnt something good!”.

Then you went ahead and made azerite gear etc.
Then you “Fixed” azerite vendors. We half-hearted rejoiced. We said “Okey you repeated something dumb which you had the solution to before… but ok. Thanks for adding something we expected, finally. Please do it right away next time.”

Then you added corruption.
RNG fest again.
Then you “fixed” it by giving us vendor for it… but seemingly on rng terms.
Turned out to be on a rotation basis but that info was kept from us.
We did not rejoice. We said “Right… I am tired of this, we cant even upgrade old-cleansed gear”.
You “fix” this. We say “Thanks, pleade learn this all to next expac now. We forgive you if you do.”

Then you release Shadowlands.
At first we rejoiced - we had hope.
Pvp vendor was (and is) a blessing. We love it. Not really for pve as its harsh to “force” a pve player to do pvp at higher levels to get the BiS, but we still thanked you for a Good system for some aspect of the game.

Then we saw the timegates. The low droprates (aka Casino-rng worsened), no vendors, the abysmal anima gains etc…
We ask: “Fix this with valor badges vendors so we can get progress feels like PvP. Also please - anima is … 35 for one boss. We need 25k for one set cosmetics…”
You answer: "Sure! But no. Here - have points. But also re-grind your old gear again through the same casino, cause it gives us more sub-time than adding our old fixes right away. - but have 100 mofe anima for the boss. :slight_smile:… "

Stop this…
Do it right from the start.
No more shenanigans.
Please pass this plea on to Kotick & Company.
Games are ment to be fun, and fans are ment to be kept - not ignored, used or mocked.