So we /afk against warriors, dhs and mistweavers?

death strike heals almost nothing, kiting dh and warriors is almost impssible, their damage is insane aswell and mistweavers have like 10 sec cd on their cocoon while dealing almost dps like damage at the same time

so what is the meta comp for unholy in 2s?

inb4 “3s is better” ikr


Atm Death knights are just in a bad spot it takes 10 years to setup damage for just a splinter of damage.

Honestly death knights just need a full on rework.

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When have we not been in a bad spot?

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Wrath of the lich king.

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Kite em as frost chain of ice reduce haste 8% ez.

While pumping the others.

Say it to fdks for the majority of that expac.

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