So we can only get 2/4 set bonuses from helm, shoulders, chest, hands, legs from the catalyst?

If so then, why are we even able to upgrade belt, wrist, and other slots at the catalyst? whats the point of doing that even if we can only get the bonus from specific slots? seems a waste of a token

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To change it’s stats or get the transmog.
It’s an extra option, it doesn’t hurt to have it.


That is correct.

If you upgrade one of the other slots the stats change to the stats of the corresponding raid piece.

So there might be some cases where that stats are preferably for you.


How does it decide which raid piece to give me, can i choose? cause for waist there are multiple waist options from the raid for me

Pretty sure it’ll just be the one that fits your tier set, so you won’t get the one that comes from either the Warrior or DK set (if you main Paladin anyway).

In wowhead you have the full list to check this based on your class.

You can find a list here:


So it doesn’t convert gear obtained through the vault?

It doesn’t give you any of the raid pieces. If you put a belt into the creation catalyst as a Paladin, you get a new item out, Luminous Chevalier’s Girdle. That item has its own stat assignment, and also has a unique appearance not used by any of the raid belts.

Where did you read that?

  • Gear from [Sepulcher of the First Ones]
  • Gear from Mythic and Mythic+ Dungeon Obtained during Season 3
  • Cosmic Gladiator Gear
  • Gear Purchasable with Sandworn relics
  • Gear from the World Boss [Antros]

The way I read it was, it needs to be obtained inside the dungeons. Vault isn’t obtained after a dungeon run.

You can still upgrade the vault items. All the items from the vault are still raid, m+ and/or pvp items.

Vault gear is gear from raids, dungeons and pvp.

It was just a question :slight_smile: thnx!

On a somewhat related note. Here’s an article going over how transmog will be going to work with the creation catalyst. Basically the items appearance will be according to it’s ilvl.

  • Items of 249 item level or lower will take the LFR appearance

  • Items between 252 and 262 will take the Normal apperance

  • Items between 265 and 275 will take the Heroic apperance

  • Items at 278 or above will take the Mythic apperance


It seems to have been added as a means to collect the transmog appearances for those non tier slots.

I imagine it’s going to catch some people out.

But waaaaait a second. What about upgradable items? Will they CHANGE appearance after they have been transformed into tier gear when upgraded afterwards? Meaning you could get noth normal and HC for M+ and both normal and LFR for PvP set items?

Edit: Seems like this is the case, so I guess item level 262 from mythic+ (which is +14 I think?) will be quite valuable as they can easily give not just one, but two appearances.

Also, is there any word on how the weird Season 3 Gladiator set transmog works? The vendor only sells 4/9 parts (for the rest, I get some rogue, monk and DH transmog set piees) , and I thought the rest come from the Creation catalyst, basically a 5th transmog set… But I guess not?

The PvP set transmog unlocks at certain rating milestones.

Combatant I (1000): Cloak
Combatant II (1200: Legs Bracers
Challenger I (1400): Gloves Boots
Challenger II (1600): Chest Belt
Rival I (1800): Head, Shoulder Helm
Duelist (2100 - 2399): Prestige Cloak and Special Weapon Illusion Unchained Fury
Elite (2400+): Tabard

That’s the Elite set you are listing. I’m talking about Gladiator, the one usually bought by conquest. But the conquest vendor doesn’t have all the pieces, only 4/9 for the druid one for example.

Oh well…
“As we figure out if the only way to get these tints is from The Great Vault this will be updated.”

So it probably IS unavailable, unless maybe randomly in the vault? That sounds horrible.

Yeah, I realized. I think the items you mean are the ones Wowhead describes like this:

There are also Gladiator/Elite tints for each classes tier gear that differ from the PvE versions. As we figure out if the only way to get these tints is from The Great Vault this will be updated. Along with the other Gladiator/Elite sets.