So we're gonna have another season of forced 3-3 for healers


This guy going on about 0 dispels from the enemy healer when the healer got stuck in chastise → fear → root(and he’s not in range of the healer) → trap → mind control.

Like, bro? Fall back instead of complaining about 0 dispels from him.

How are DPS this blind?

I swear, they should force these kind of DPS to have to play to at least 1800, preferably 2.1k as a healer before they’re allowed to sign for shuffle.

What you expect at your rating some awc plays? Grind rating up so you can play with top players.

No, some basic knowledge of how the game works. Like line of sight and out of range.

Not dying without pressing some CDs at least. It’s tilting as hell when some guy gets absolutely destroyed and doesn’t trinket or use any CDs.

Like not telling me to use pain suppression(lol), which I don’t even have as a holy priest.

Retri paladin that runs in, I’m waiting for him to drop a bit more so I can pw:life him for juicy extra heal. I guardian spirit him and use pw:life and serenity. He uses lay on hands. Like? Why use lay on hands just because you were low hp when you get guardian spirit on you? He’s not going to die when I’m waiting for him to drop lower so I can gs + pw:life him but he just uses lay on hands and wastes it. Then he dies when he could have used it if he didn’t waste it.

Played with ray of hope one game and then realized why I shouldn’t play with it. People just press everything because they noticed they’re at low hp but ray of hope is stopping all damage for the duration and then they’ll take damage or get healed up. It’s like they’re processing the game at an ultralow speed, just when ray of hope is about to heal them they just use everything because they’ve noticed they’re low and think they’re dying even though ray is going to full heal them.

I also expect shadow priests to not trinket + swap me randomly just as I swapped them, resulting in them swapping back to low hp again. Like, he’s sitting the stun and not trinketing, he’s dying, I swap. Then he trinkets when it’s almost over and swaps me back. LIKE, BRO?

i told u ur trash why u dont accept it

The guy that leaps and charges around a corner and dies and then flames the healer says I’m trash. Yes, he actually did that when I ended up in a shuffle with him back in DF.

Yes, I’m certainly going to listen to a zug zug warrior that commits suicide. You’re the type of person forcing 3-3 on healers. No wonder why you’re so offended by the thread.

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Well at least you only go 3-3 when vs another disc priest… Though that is going to be like… 95% of the time if this trend continiues.
Everyother healer is beyond pointless into disc.

You can climb, just A BIT slower. Upside is you get instant queues.

I’ve seen some low lobbies where healers won’t press buttons and people who are being trained that are also same skill level, can’t live (locks especially). Then the one being trained goes 0-6 and healers start flaming them instead of actually realising that they could carry that dps to get 3 wins if they played better than the other healer.

The higher the rating the harder it seems to get to go more than 3-3 but it’s not impossible. It’s just how the game works, healers will never have as much agency as dps in PvP. It’s always been like that and always will be.

It’s not a bit slower. I’ve played DPS. It’s a lot faster to play DPS. A lot.

I didn’t really get many 3-3 as dps. I did get a ton of 4-2 due to a dps going 0-6 though. Games where I just wasn’t as bad as the 0-6 guy and wouldn’t have gone 4-2 if he wasn’t in the game. It’s actually ridiculous.

if you hate healing so much why are you still playing it?

I qued few games at the end of season and first game ended with 6-0 for a healer, second game 5-1 for a healer. Its actually crazy how bad one of these losing healers was. If someone can get gaped that hard in r1 range then i dont understand why is it impossible at 1300. Also i made a disc with no gems, it had green gear, 0 crafts. Somehow i ended up at higher mmr than you’ve ever been in 2 shuffles while winning 6-0 the first one. It felt like playing bots in some kind of tutorial. If you have negative w/l at that mmr then its an you issue.

Tbh you shoud try to figure out what you did wrong and if you could make up for your teammates mistakes instead of blaming them. Atleast that was my mindset 15 years ago when i started (and it kinda worked).

End of November last year I was comparing disc priest to frost mage and arms warrior games won for top 100 players.

Frost mage ice lance build was broken start of the expansion, it was the most likely to climb easier. And arms was decent but couldn’t carry games easily with its kit.

Turned out, to get there, disc priests had to play around 38% more games than frost and only 17% more games than arms. So it’s not as bad as people believe. It’s definitely a bit slower, but you get instant queues and less likely to get 6-0 OR 0-6.

It’s honestly not as unbelievable as people make it out to be, focus on your gameplay and improve, you’ll climb. This is valid for any role in and bracket.

For sure the 45m queues are much faster of a climb over insta-pops. Now imagine after 40minutes of queue u run into JJ a troll female holy priest who will blame anything except himself for losing a round while claiming a conspiracy theory that dps players are forcing him to go 3-3. Ggs.


Spriest in a shuffle that just lost.

Do you notice what he’s missing?

Yeah, that’s right. He can’t swap. He or someone else died several times where a swap would have won the game.

Then he’s calling the healers bad. When he’s not playing with swap. On the first round he was on the enemy team and died in 36 seconds of fighting, not pressing dispersion and not specced into swap.

He’s specced into pw:life but didn’t press it even once. Why spec into something you’re not going to press? That’s like retri paladin level of dumb with so many of them picking up sanctuary and then never pressing it.

He was fakecasting when I used sanctify at his location when I play with sanctified ground - meaning he’s immune to interrupts with it up and he’s still fakecasting when he can’t even be interrupted. Like? Hello? Is the brain at home in this guys skull? It’s not like it’s a barely noticeable visual from it. I picked it specifically to enable him to cast stuff vs double physical damage dealers just zugging him but he’s still faking instead of just casting. He was also fakecasting when he received bop from the paladin healer, they can’t interrupt through the bop as a warrior and hunter but he was still fakecasting, he got one spell off during the bop.

I dont get it. One guy might be trolling (can’t judge since i dont play shadow and you Once again did not provide video, even the screenshot might not be legit) however that does not change the fact that if youre better than him you should play at higher mmr than him.

Hahahahahahah close the thread :skull_and_crossbones:

The diary just keeps writing itself. How many books in are we?

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You think they’re trolling?

No, they’re not trolling.

Mage in a shuffle: Doesn’t block once the 2 rounds he lost. Doesn’t counterspell once. Doesn’t polymorph. Breaks CC on others constantly. 2k~ cr atm, meaning he’s in what, like top 15-20 in EU? Like, bro? Why can they get there playing like that just because there’s 0-6 dps that makes them go 4-2 and gain mmr while I lose mmr because the other healer was lower than me?

Make DPS gain nothing from games when there’s a 0-6 DPS or make them able to lose mmr just like healers so they don’t get this inflated rating.

with this mindset you will never make it out of your elo, stop blaming others and improve yourself… it´s so simple

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Why should I not blame others?

Lock was freenuking and this guy thinks it was instant kill even though he was casting back to back without any grips, stuns, interrupts or silences to stop him from casting. Nobody was stopping his casts when he was nuking like mad, he went 6-0 because nobody cared to stop the casts, they all had stuns, silences and interrupts ready and just let him cast when people died and this guy thinks it was instant.

Do DPS perceive time different than healers or what’s going on? Why is this so common that they don’t realize what’s happening?

because you don’t get anything out of it and it only promotes toxicity

every healer facing the same issue as you, that some people are trolling, dont use a single defensive before they die etc (some healer do this aswell)

but for some weird reason they still manage to climb!

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