So we're gonna have another season of forced 3-3 for healers

Very nice.

Why even play healer in shuffle?

did you try winning?


Sorry, impossible to win with a warrior that leaps and charges around corners and dying every round to the same thing, forcing 3-3 for healers.


From the daily diary of JJ. Stay strong brother, nerf cyclone, ban wintrading, fix 0-6 dps, did I miss anything? Nerf cc?


I wonder how Lontar or Mehh are dealing with these issues…


The only healers who get spam 3-3’s are the ones stuck on low rating

They’re stuck on low rating because… uhm… injustice! Wait was it long queues? Ah no, uhm maybe it was something else.


I’ve had DPS calling who goes 0-6 after the first round and they’ve been right.

Latest: Zug zug warrior, kill him.

Died every round to charging and leaping out of range from us when the druids were rooting/vortexing/stunning/cycloning us so we couldn’t get in range and thus he died. Not once did he think to fall back to us instead of just zerging at someone.

This warrior has been a gladiator several times.


You lost more rounds than you won last season with a 2k peak. That’s nobody’s issue but your own.

Upload multiple videos of your gameplay, let’s see how much isn’t your fault.

No, I was at 2.1k.

Either way, you’re on ignore, you just keep switching chars to post from.

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Ah 2.1k with more rounds lost than won. My bad.

Point remains: upload your gameplay. You aren’t very good at the game, just accept it.

Yes, we will accept, and healers will leave from game.
And you god like players will stuck at 1500 if it goes the same like this for years and noone wants to heal you guys. Glad ppl left, and Elite will be the title that noone earn.

We just trying to enjoy the game like others. But there is nothing fun in the game right now as a healer.

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Hunter dies from 70% in 1.5 seconds, has turtle. I am silenced by garrote.

He doesn’t press turtle.

He doesn’t press turtle any round, at all. He’s dying every time during CC/silences because he’s not pressing it.


Nice game.

Technically you could pre shield your team and position a bit more away from the hunter etc. So that even if the rogue ccs you, he has a to far way to get back on the target, and has to use cds for that which than cant use for follow up cc on you etc

there are ways to deal with this stuff, gotta adjust gameplay to dps mistakes sometimes

But if this was a starting mmr hunter who won his first round against other green geared and got to 2,25 mmr this way just to go 0:6 for the next 10 rounds , I understand.

The problem with inflated starting mmr dps inting healer lobbys is dumb.

Sounds like higher than you’ve ever been.

Have you considered adjusting your playstyle to more aggresive approach allowing the warrior to play the game? Alternatively he could just pull behind you and spam heroic throw. That works as well.

Could you please record and upload some of ur games? It is very hard for us to simulate the scenario just from the daily JJ diary.

You mean nobody will heal Solo Shuffle? I think a lot of peple can live with that,
especially those who understand not to take it seriously.

Preshield team when we’re fighting, as a holy priest? Shield absorbs like 400k as a holy priest.

The hunter chased the rogue to me. Am I supposed to just magically teleport away?

Pop angel form, fly out of the arena, find some where nice and sunny, grab a beer, set up a picnic area, relax.

How do I adjust to this?

Warlock getting zerged by melee. He’s standing on his port so he can’t port away from them. I grip him away and he ports instantly back to the melee and dies, instead of waiting for them to make their way to where I was and then port he decides to port back into them insantly so they don’t even have to move.

Like, this is a proper joke. Warlock just died every round, he never ported properly. On the enemy team he ported when they had insane pressure just to coil me and lost all the pressure as a result, if he had just pumped damage instead of porting to CC me, we would have lost.

You could upload some replays and this way we could look for things :>


This is a proper joke.

Play with a rogue, he dies in 18 seconds right at the start.

He procced my spirit in the opener because he pressed nothing in response to the burst. He’s made me use swap. I used all my holy words.

He dies in 18 seconds of fighting.

With cloak, vanish & evasion ready. He had trinket ready but doesn’t trinket a stun and dies in it to the insane damage the monk & dev evoker was putting out. Like, trinket the stun and evasion/cloak?!

“Can you throw a single heal?”

Literally emptied everything I had right off the start to keep him alive because he’s not pressing anything and then he died. Between my GCDs.

Why are these DPS even gaining any rating? Make it as hard for DPS to gain rating as it is for healers.

Oh poor healers, you all play so perfectly and no loss is ever your fault. You having a 36% win rate at 1200 rating has absolutely nothing to do with your skill and ability and is everything to do with the DPS!

Why don’t you or the OP do what you have been asked to do and upload videos of your gameplay and prove the stuff you’re saying, instead of just babbling away while playing at giga low rating, blaming anything and everyone and not taking some accountability? Just screams delulu.