So what happened to Method?

Well they weren’t true. Or at least weren’t proven to be true.

It was anecdotal in regards to 1 person comment on why yes and no, there was no talking down to you Daestra, despite what you may think of it.

I didn’t know of all the other ongoings until the Josh thing became public either so I just like to share that Method has a history in their top folk with situations like that apparently.


I do not care thanks for informing me i guess though my life is so much richer now you lorded over me and informed me with your wiseness .

Considering Josh was called out for it and had to be muted on streams et al, it’s safe to assume the allegations towards Sasha hold some water too.

As for people leaving, would you yourself stay in a guild whose name has become so tarnished by the frankly disgusting actions of one guy (Josh) while the leadership turns a relative blind eye/sweep it under the rug esque style?

Nobody who has and wants a career out of video games would, least not the smart ones in that regard.

Take a breather my dudette, not even trying to lord over you or be a wise old man, so calm down.
Or y’know, mute/block me also works.

What we need are amateur raiding guilds doing normal.

I would cheer for the fail train.

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Would it please you so if i went back and said “2” instead of “1” would it then stop your whinging at me for such a foolish mistake i made ?

Those 2 are scum but it still doesnt mean the whole guild is bad .
You happy now oh wise one ?

You think your worth the effort .
Its ok dude? Your fine .

I’m not whinging at you? I let you know there was more than just 1 with some anecdotal stuff and you got all up in arms over it.
Take a chill pill and calm down, sheez.


Yeah I would because one guy doesnt represent the entire organization/guild. Nobody is guilty until proven otherwise. Cancelculture is getting pretty sick… Its crazy man people getting fired left and right only based on allegations…

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It’s all about money. They knew that Method won’t have the sponsors they had, so they tried to make a new org.

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Ofc you i mean you just wanted to correct my foolish mistake about not knowing .
There scum i accept that but like i said i do not study or even care for top guilds i only knew of josh as it was talked about in a channel i was once in .

They had more pulls and have spent more overall time on the last boss.
They also hid their stream while ahead for a day, where as limit was fully transperent and basically allowed them to copy strats/comp.

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not true. they progressed of stream so EU couldnt copy strats(some of the time obv) .

There was evidence provided for at least the allegations towards Josh, which is what really made people side-eye Method (and Sco).
It’s not just cancel culture at play.

Sad thing is Josh won’t face any consequences, but Method remains a name with some tarnished reputation to it forever more.


See I was gonna be more nice n all, but can we not stoop to namecalling. As far as I know we’re both adults and needn’t stoop to that level in what is really a silly acusation from one to another after being upset over some information being given.

Take a breather, calm down. I’m not here to be “holier than thou”, but I don’t appreciate namecalling either.

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Stop telling me to calm down for a start that would help .
As for name calling what are you on about if you can find an insult let me know and i will get back to you with an apology until then please get off my back thinking you better then me cheers .

they had more pulls because they didn’t have enough time to gear up. So their only remaining strategy was to keep at it and hope what they had was enough.

While limit had enough time to get an extra vault reward and do heroic split runs before re attempting denathrius.

The strategies they formulate are based on the situation of the world first race.

Had it been a global race with equal opportunities for loot and split runs, you would have seen a completely different strategy from Echo. But they had to somehow compensate for their lack of gear and time, so they changed their strategy.

And once they failed at becoming first, it wasn’t important to go full gear anymore. They took it easier.

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Echo literally copied limit’s team comp the 2nd week after seeing theirs won’t work.

And I’ll leave it at that.

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19 others knowing about it and doing nothing do though.


Unless scum was meant for something different, in which case all is forgiven in regards to name calling.
However I would also appreciate you stop applying some weird second hand opnion of “Aldru thinks he’s holier than thou” mentality onto me thanks, I don’t try to be, much less would I need to prove it either if it should come down to it.

On the forums we’re all equals, at least in my book, dunno 'bout yours.

I can stop telling to calm down, but will you take a chill pill instead, as your posts truly do read as someone who is very upset or otherwise having a victim complex, the latter of which I normally refrain from saying out of respect of you as a forum poster, but nevertheless how you come across in your replies.

As I said, if I’m such a big meanie or otherwise too unpleasant, you can block me as I said in second? reply. I won’t think less of it as frankly, curate your own experience on the internet.


I think maybe there was a typo in your last post, i think u meant to write they’re scum, but instead it was there scum and coud possiblu be misunderstood as calling aldru scum? Anyways, check your pm’s on discord, been trying to reach u :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not always copying strategies. They’re world first raiders with years of raiding experience. Not a bunch of random monkeys. You think limit is this innovative guild that discovers methods of clearing bosses no one else can think of ?

You’re basically concluding that since they had the possibility of copying the strat, they had equal chances of winning against another team that not only had a headstart with bosses, but also was better geared against it too. While dismissing the possibility that they could have figured it out on their own.

It’s kind of weird how you guys can’t seem to understand how much of a difference a day headstart makes.

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