So what happened to Method?

But basically real time streams do this…allowing other people copy strategies and other people can have better attempt.

They have already got new sponsors.

"aS an AdUlT

Bck on topic, the fact they managed a world 7th where people expect them to be low top 20 if not worse is kudos to them.


You dont really have any achievements to talk about yourself. :thinking:

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I didn’t say that, as I dont think achievements mean anything. Just used your posts logic against you. :stuck_out_tongue:

And its good they changed their mind about that, considering that people could track down people however they wanted with that information.

You should probably drop the attitude, doesn’t really work for you.

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peoples playing wow anomously moustly u never know their backgrounds …
you never know whos a serie killer and whos not …

“nO scOmPanY will sPoNsOr them”

“i’M a sUccESSeFul BuSiNeSs man”


They got MeToo’d.

For some reason I am getting the feeling that you started this topic for another reason then your interest in Method.

The allegations are clearly criminal in nature, so the question is why is Josh not in jail. The answer is either because the justice system where he lives failed, or because the allegations don’t meet the burden of proof required to prosecute him.

Those defending the situation consider Josh “innocent until proven guilty” and note that no court of law has proven him guilty as of today, which is actually quite a reasonable argument.

IMHO Method should have used a much lower burden of proof to protect their interests, but that’s because they have a different point of view: a court of law has to determine whether one is guilty, Method only had to determine whether being associated with Josh was a detriment for the organization, be him guilty or not.

kek, get over yourself… nobody is on your person at all… don’t depend on google translate when debating on the internet :wink:

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Actually, Echo scuffed their reclear which didn’t allow them to do split runs after. Had they not scuffed it and done the split runs they would most likely have been at the same point Limit was

One of them stuck his hands somewhere they didn’t belong, apparently the bosses knew all about it and didn’t give a flying rat, there was a lot of drama. Most of the core players left and set up a new organization as Echo. Echo is now pretty much the old old Method in everything but name and the hand-sticking thing.

Yes, you do, albeit it has nothing to do with gallywix, don’t know who got that idea and wherever from.

The reason past-Method-now-Echo and Limit are the only ‘guilds’ that have been consistently competitive in the race for the last several years is because they are not guilds at all, but esports organizations. They are e-athletes sponsored by a lot of different brands, not players in a raiding guild like you and me. This means that playing the game is their full time job, the level of preparedness they have is beyond any other guild, the level of money they can throw at stuff is beyond any other guild (Limit recently came out saying they spent 330 million gold during the last race buying BOEs and consumables) and the amount of time they can throw at the bosses during bosses is beyond any other guild (during the race they will sit there wiping for 16+ hours a day).

No one that has a job or responsibilities beyond playing wow can realistically compete with that. We can argue about whether that’s good or bad for the game, but that’s the bottom line.

Thank you for explanation. I didn’t mean to start drama with this post. I was just genuinely curious but I don’t follow in-game news that much so I kinda lost track of all that info and “josh drama” as well missed my radar. Because in the end I don’t really care about it but the curiosity is still strong :stuck_out_tongue:

No, but them covering it up does.


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The guy threatened the woman he sexually assaulted, with a knife, on a livestream. For which he was permabanned from twitch. Then he straight up disappeared from internet after she tweeted about it when everyone was talking about sexual misconduct by streamers on twitch.

Not quite reasonable.


Yeah people forget that this wasn’t just a cover-up by the “Up top” people.

Lots of people in the org knew, and yet none of them happened to actually think to report on it.

Screw em all.

Both of the acts you describe, sexual assault and threats with a knife are criminal, so the question remains: why was he not prosecuted and found guilty?

I don’t know the details of the situation, but if he was not prosecuted and found guilty there must be a reason, don’t you think?

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Dont get me wrong, I couldn’t give a rodents rectum about esports, world firsts, etc but this is false. Didn’t one of the ex Method players miss out on a world first in last bfa tier as he was stuck in traffic on the way home from work?

Cases don’t get wrapped up that quickly. Not to take a side here, but it’s not as speedy as is usually assumed.

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Crimes like that are super hard to prove and get a conviction for in court. A case being dropped due to a lack of admissible evidence doesn’t mean we have to view the suspect as innocent, or guilty for that matter.

I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around what people think Method could have done that the police couldn’t.