So what if we blew up?

So I hear a lot of lore discussion on Youtube about where the lore could go forward.
The foremost of those is Azeroth being completely wiped out to initiate a Shadowlands expansion. If that is the case, it’d most likely be just the OP heroes like Khadgar and the faction leaders being able to travel around and the rest would be just languishing souls, right?

So if that happens, what do people think would the RP community’s reaction would be in that, or similar cases such as that?
Would just all of our characters die of and… I guess we wait for another expansion where there’s no apocalypse and make new RP characters so we can play again?
Or… what’s the plan in that case?

I must admit I haven’t considered that as a plausible situation… I suppose Azeroth may “wake up” - become a fully grown Titan - at some point in the future, but by then I hope someone will have devised a way for its inhabitants to survive that event.

I get the impression (from lore about the Burning Legion/Crusade) that Azeroth is one of quite few remaining worlds not wiped out or just lifeless.

It would be a shame to kill us off…

I don’t think we’ll get killed off. I think the game has implied a number of times that The Adventurers ™ are just as powerful, if not more so than important NPCs.

If we all get killed, RP usually have to adhere to the lore, unless there’s a clever and convincing way to work with it that something else took place.


If we’re all going to the Shadowlands we’re probably doing that alive, Blizzard won’t kill us all off for an entire expansion.

Well, what if it happens?
I didn’t mean to ask if people think it will or will not, happen, more like a hypothetical discussion if it does happen.

Or even if, we do a time skip for 50 or something years. People playing elves and draenei are going to be fine, but I doubt a lot of folks playing normally aging characters would appreciate them being just suddenly dead from old age after a patch day.

We demon hunters would probably find a way. For example demon soul that could return to our elf body. Warlocks could lock themselves in soulstone… RP always finds a way how to explain or adapt to certain lore situations.

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