So what to do in this game?

So I rejoined after months of absence. I have level 70 character but what to do? Just spam dungeon finder to get gear of item level required for heroics, then LFR and then what?

The game feels very lonely and I feel like I am alone, with bunch of bots.

I could join BG-s for zergfest I guess. It’s not that bad actually. Only place where game actually feels somewhat alive.

This has been my experience in recent years.

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Some of us enjoy spamming content, whether it’s M+, arenas or raids.

If that’s not your thing, you may choose to only experience the start of a new patch, then unsub and come back for the next one.

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Play Classic, Retail is near the end of maintenance mode.

Anyone plays Runescape? Retail is the RS3 version, slowly losing its popularity over the old one. That’s Retail’s first phase.

Get in the keys.

Prepare your character for Mythic raid and fully prog it. Aim to 0.1% M+ achievement. Collect over 800 mounts. Earn million of golds through professions and AH. There are many stuff to do in the game, just pick yours.

Unfortunatley this is what this game become, boring, no interesting stories, A and H dancing together, a game focus on grinding. And I do not think Blizz developers will change something for future. I am thinking to stop playing the game since a while ago : I am feeling like a mouse in a wheel.

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Join a guild and communities if you feel lonely.

in theory to gear up from 350 (you talk about months so this should be your ilvl) to 480 you have just to do 2 hours of activities (rift dreamsurge researcher). did yesterday with my 6th alt
After you can spam raids or high end M or PVP.
But if you feel lonely probably a discord or an active guild is in order.
There is a plenty of things to do. I love to play alone so normally i dont care but i see a lot of ppl around lately and not just a bunch of bots.

It honestly depends what level you want to play at. Contrary to some silly replies about Classic they also similarly spend time doing the same things end game. Retail has a few more options but essentially the game hasn’t changed that much.

You can work through the various campaigns/storylines and gear up a bit.

Are you more interested in PvE Raid/M+ or PvP? Or not at all?

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Exactly how I felt after reaching max level, especially the first time. Battlegrounds are fun, so is leveling, but at max level the sense of progression is just not really there for me.

As for the current endgame, if they added a queue system for ranked battlegrounds and M+, then at least those would be more accessible and the endgame would be more enjoyable for me at least.

The thing is, I like not knowing everyting in an mmorpg and kind of just wandering around and learning as I go - but the issue with WoW is that it’s not a new game, so everyone else already knows what to do and they kind of expect you to know too or to at least read and learn about dungeons, etc. That’s not really fun if I’m being honest. Learning as you go is so much more fun, and I believe that by allowing players to queue to all content would open the door for new players to the endgame and help new players have fun experiencing the game together without having to know everything beforehand.

What do you like to do in this game?

Find a guild and make friends

There’s less guild activity these days as there are fewer reasons to be in a guild, but in their place we now have cross-server Discord communities that meet many of the needs that guilds used to cover in the past. From socializing to roleplaying to M+ running to raiding, there are active Discord servers that facilitate these activies.

For M+, I can recommend and Chill Streak on Discord (I’ve done some raiding with them on another character).

Well, for people like my BF - not much once you hit 70, anymore.
It’s too stressy and too demanding now with the making of M0 being equal to a +10/12, even without a timer.
He is not a high type of player, and we used to do casual m+ 2-10 before season 4.
All he does now is farm gold, do some dragon racing, or possibly some HC’s, because the rest is just not very fun right now.

No, don’t!

It’s dangerous :frowning:

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I have to laugh at this one. Unless you prepared to stand spamming Trade Chat - there is no money in professions anymore. At least not like it used to be. Standing and spamming is boring boring boring and does not make for interesting content. Besides OP has been away for months and most likely has a rude awakening about maxing out profession trees.

And no not even raw mats is profitable with all these bots overloading the AH and that includes the Long Boi wannabe who literally cancel to undercut you by 1copper. No the days of making copious amounts of gold in game is gone. Even the emmissary chests are ridiculously nerfed in attempt to get you to go buy tokens if you running low on cash.

Join an active community or guild and it won’t feel so lonely. Try find one that does activities such as PvP, Raids and M+

Even more so when I’m tanking :sunglasses:

Start reading some Novels-Manhua-Manhwa .

While afking on WOW i found this activity quite enjoying .

As for the real question of what to do within the game … I restarted as well and found myself unable to find a Guild (Cross Servers is pretty dead here ).
Guild are pretty much RIP.
PvP even More RIP
Can’t say nothing … i was hoping to find Tbc Servers but there is only Classic and now Cataclysm … so again out of ideas…

Currently I’m at the same place with you and even more because …Alliance…

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