So when are we nerfing wizards?

Actually crazy how broken casters are


You are confusing something, assa rogue is a melee specc.


consider the following
most specs deal too much damage and have too many micro ccs

Locks are 10x more broken than assa


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I have chaosbolt and glacial spike fetish, don’t nerf them.

Instead buff ele shaman so instead of 6x the enemy teams dmg they do 12x

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hahahhaahaha xDDDD this uy is smoking something good

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s4 of bfa still gives you nightmares?

Double wizard is 10x less skillful than melee

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i mean that is true but assa is worst than destro

I mean locks make rogues look balanced, then u know its bad

imagine destro gets buffed

had my first experience of destro + frost mage last night it was literal aids

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Facing lock mage as melee makes me never wanna play the game again

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just play assa rogue.
If im not wrong almost every single game in AWC was rogue, average like 2.2 rogues per game

how would you know, we determined already that you’ve been boosted, your opinion is irrelevant.


mage and lock are not far behind both are absolutely disgusting

Ret will be the best caster in 10.0.7 <3

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yeah like this guy, there is no shot he is not a troll and I got baited but eh I guess I learned my lesson

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Like u actually cannot lose as a caster in shuffle, impossible