So when are we nerfing wizards?

I mean rogues are insanely broken as per usual, we all know that will never change, but I rather q into that than any double wizard

No. It’s reading inability on your part. The original discussion was about the latest AWC. Try to keep up.

But I guess asking you to understand why an average of more than 2 per game when no one stacked the class was too much. Apparently money can buy R1 titles but not thinking capacity.


Blizz doesnt care i saw 2.4 pre season rmps took 3.1k in s1 of sl before the combust nerfs they went even ladder #1 or there was a triple rog team in the top 20 eu sl s1 triple rog team imagine

I’d go ahead and say that the initial point is that people are just tired of rogue literally always being meta in one way or the other. The argument “yeah we’re not in expansion x anymore” doesn’t really hold any value when it comes to any bracket being rogue infested.

I mean, you just sit on the fact that in DF nobody played double outlaw. That’s just nitpicking at this point. It doesn’t really counter the fact that rogue is yet again meta and you see them everywhere. :man_shrugging:

I would be fine with rogues being meta if rmp didn’t exist.

We need diversity, for example rogue lock is smth refreshing compared to rogue mage.

Than do so, there’s too much melees anyway

Dear Lord you players are getting so baited in this thread it is almost painful to watch.

On the other hand I always had some kind of fun watching imbeciles getting hurt


Grass is always greener on the other side

I mean its true tho, playing caster is playing the game on easy mode

Thats how most casters feel when facing warr dk.


i hate going to 3x melee lobbys on demo too

its just the matter of too much anything is never good, 3 melee to 1 range or 3 range to 1 melee will propably not be good for the odd 1

i feel i rather play anything else than ever wiggle and juke again my casts on demo vs some backpedalling melee with 100% uptime on me

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u post on a hidden lvl 10 char. tell me ur insecure without tellin me ur insecure.

its one of those who kept say stuff that got them banned recently, wont get long for it to get banned too if it keeps using same words

oh no, a solo shuffle duelist is insulting me, i’m so hurt.

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He is elite and you are a challenger or a mop s15 rival but that was ages ago

u dont even know how the brackets are called while talkin about relevance.

You’re so insecure you have to buy titles before you post on the forums & he makes threads about hitting 2.1 in SS.
I post my opinion, you dislike it there’s an ignore button, I don’t care about either of yours. I don’t need your validation to be allowed to post my opinion, nice isn’t it?


what u talk now about validation? im telling u my opinion about ur opinion ona forum.
u talk about relevance while posting ona 10char and talk about rating while being low rated. ur a clown.

I view the opinion of anyone above a boosted character, which was the point of my post, if you are unable to comprehend that much I’m sorry for your loss. Now shoo, I’m not interested in a conversation.


there is more and more shuffle lobbies where if you leave pillar for about 0.7 seconds you are dead on the ground. gotta love caster metas. i d rather face rogue any day

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