So, when are windwalker monks getting fixed?

Yes, ww can burst. But if you’re trained by a warrior or a DH, your defensives feel like paper. Karma is a joke, and is just ignored when you pop it. Fortifying brew seems to do nothing. It’s probably the weakest defensive in the game with its 6 min cd for half the dmg reduction a warrior gets on his 2 min cd. Dampen harm seems to do nothing as well.

And as for the mobility. That used to be a windwalker strength. But now all classes have great mobility. It is no longer an advantage ww has.

Going toe to toe with a fury warrior, I lose every time. They have burst that is easily as good as ww monks, and way better defensives and self healing. They have a stun on half the cd monks have, and they can even get one more in their talent tree.
Same for DH. They have everything monk has, only better. More burst, more self healing. More and better stuns, better defensive cds.

I don’t have statistics on the representation of ww monk in arena at the moment, but I have over 100 games by now, mostly 2v2 and solo shuffle. And in all those games I think Ive seen another ww monk one or two times. People don’t want to play it because its so weak defensively. Can do good damage, but can’t take a hit. Bad kung fu that is.


You literally have no pvp achievment from this season. What mmr have you even played those games at?

WW is present every other game in soloque, most of the times does well. Yes you are squshy and a lot of times designated kill target if no casters. But the burst is much scarier then what fury can do, lol, 250-300k in 1 second happened multiple times, there are many SS posted here on the forums. + tons of utility, escapes, CC options.
WW is actually one of the really balanced specs in the game right now, with strenghts and weaknesses. Its not OP, but its solid.

BTW, you hard counter fury in 1v1 and should never lose. Ring of peace is literally the anti-spear ability. You can disarm whenever he bursts, or when he pops enraged. Teleport behind pillar, fists of fury parry. Huge nuke during leg sweep.


If they buff WW defensively they’re going to have to take that 45 second burst window down a notch or two


It’s a 1 min burst window and they already nerfed it by 30%.

it is kind of funny that karma absorbs much less than a dark pact on half the cd hehe

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Ww burst is completely out of hand. But karma really is a joke.


So is the class you play

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Yeah out of hand, there are dozens ccs in the game, hundreds micro ccs , it’s so predictable , lasts for 12sec and has a 90sec CD.

80% of the time it’ll have no impact on the game cuz it’ll get countered and then you basically become a mage with combustion on CD and less survivability, poo-poo damage with no impact whatsoever.

This sounds good in theory. And while ring is good against spear, it makes little difference when the fury can just wear down my defenses one by one until I have nothing left. Disarm has a 45 sec cooldown. Fury warrs have several damaging abilities that enrage them, so that is on pretty much all the time. First of fury gets you either a stormbolt (a 4 sec ranged stun on a 30 sec cd, compared to leg sweep, which is a 3 sec melee range stun on a 1 min cd), or just intimidating shout.
I can teleport, but warriors can heroic leap. And I can port back. Guess what, warriors have the same thing on their leap, where they can use it again within a few seconds before cd starts.
I can roll away, but warriors charge, and every charge roots too.
Also, they have that 30% dmg reduction they can use while stunned, which also restores health, and which also makes on of their rage builders heal them for 20% of max hp, on a 3 or 4 sec cd, depending on if its talented or not. So leg sweep stuns them for 3 sec, during which they then have 30% reduced dmg taken, after which they can heal up, not by stopping damage to spend globals on healing, but by just nuking, using abilities that hit hard AND heal them with strong heals.

I used to have an edge on warriors for the reasons you stated, but no more. Everything they have is just better, and they have more of it.

Also, if I manage to stay away from them long enough to get some significant healing up, their second wind will kick in, restoring 6% health every second.

There is an element of skill in this, of course. I’m not the best ww. But Im not the worst either. But maybe I just need to find a fury warr and duel him again and again until I figure it out… Still, the fact that monks are squishy as pudding remains unchanged.

Just do 55k dps like the monk i just faced? Maybe you’re just bad. :man_shrugging:

I think you’re bad if you don’t react to a monk’s burst which is really predictable and easily counterable , no offense though.

Ye, monk burst is really easy to see when it happens. Also, fists of fury is easy to counter. Just stun. (and every melee class has better stuns than ww monk. 30 sec cd on st stuns, with additional aoe stuns on 1 min cd). And even with defensive cds up, I often get burst from full to zero within a single stun.

And add to that… everyone is so scared of the hyped up ww burst that when you do it, everyone turns on you. I can be in a open world free for all, and the moment I do anything, EVERYONE stops fighting each other and turns on me… lol

Avatar lasts for 20sec , Shadowblades is 20sec, feral incarnation is 20sec , DH meta is 35 sec…
Serenity lasts for 12 sec only but hey … monks broken. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also as a WW , as mentioned above and on different threads, you have no ccs (you’ve got one stun, leg sweep, it’s on a 1 min CD , btw you’re the only leather with solely one single stun, and you have paralysis on a 45sec cd if not talented… while the game is a ccs fest nowadays and every classes have ccs galore … LOL)

You have no self heal whatsoever, when I say 0 it’s 0 , if you don’t find a safe spot and hard cast soothing mist + spam vivify for a 15k-ish heal that sucks all your energy bar in 3 casts you’ve no self heals besides that, people don’t realise how bad this is, you heavily rely on your healer (and your mobility) to survive.

Mobility is good, but again, it used to be one of the monks’ strenght now every class has a good mobility so you don’t really stand out in that regard anymore and I find it pretty hard to kite anything as a WW nowadays.

Defensives are super weak , your big wall Fortifying brew is a 20% damage reduction and has a 6min CD (LOL) , karma is basically a mage barrier (150k shield) on a 90sec CD , slightly better than emblem trinket, you have 0 passive that reduces the damage taken and you feel like a paper sheet , as soon as you get focused , you can’t leave the pillar and spend your game running, sometimes I wonder if I’m not playing WoW marathon edition given how much time I spend running around in the arena.

The burst is good I won’t deny it, but still kinda underwhelming for a glass canon class , just either pop a defensive, cc the monk (burst only lasts for 12sec) , or kite away , gg burst denied.

Sustain damage is meh , and anyway in its current state, WW monks are way too squishy to stay in the fray.

yes, that is the only defensive spell of fury. it is a GOOD defensive, not gonna lie. but that’s it. If you pop it during 4 sec stun, into a 6 second disarm, you will not heal at all. But at least 30% dmg reduction + 20% insta hp is fine.

You can teleport out of LOS. that is massive. A warrior will need to leap to a side of the pillar + use something else to catch you, and even that is asking a lot, because you can circle around in the opposite direction if you see where he leaps. I could never catch a monk who is good and tries to kite me for real.

never see anyone use that pvp talent, ever. Used it in a single game (against a lock who ported a lot) and it’s very situational.

nobody ever picks that ever. not even in meme specs.

Listen, go to check-pvp.
Select Soloshuffle.
Select the specs: Windwalker Monk and Fury Warrior, to compare the leaderboards.
See, in the first 50 players in EU, there are 40 WW and 10 Fury. The first 10 rated players: 9 WW and 1 FURY.

Select 3V3.
Top 50 players between ww and fury. 33 WW and 17 FURY.

Go look up their talents/gear/etc. Copy that. Go look a streaming monk for 30 minutes. Try to copy that. You will have much more success then complaining on these forums. WW are IN A GOOD SPOT. Everything else is a COPE.

Best advice, reroll Enhance Shaman., you will have fun in PvP.

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Don’t worry, even I as a Demo Lock can’t stand still against Fury and DH.

Ww is balanced.

Stupid, but balanced.

I don’t take offense from classic characters, don’t worry. :slight_smile:

or pala retri, an other paperman