So when was Lightning Lasso being nerfed again?

Would love some insight on when Blizzard are going to apologize for making such a broken spell and then nerf it

You mean, now it doesn’t do 50% exactly? That was changed in 8.2.

It’s powerful, not broken. Very easy to counter.

You know that Ele shamans don’t have any instant cc other than lasso and that you first have to get the enemy’s trinket to get good use of it? Our cap totem is easily countered, hex is easy to avoid/prevent and you get punished heavily if kicked on the cast, just like lasso which is interruptible btw (nature school gets locked). So to even get proper cc done as a shaman in pvp is significantly harder than a lot of other classes so please just stop with this utter bullsh*t. Especially when you post this as a monk.^^


There are many ways too counter it, I don’t find it that OP.
Although I would remove the “Can move while channeling” part.

Once ele starts showing up in arena ranking … Oh wait many WW … nurf WW …

Lasso is good, ur bad

Alright so let me guess. Before Touch of Death was nerfed into the ground, you were all crying about how “op” it was and now here you’re sitting with the most OP 1v1 spell in the game which can only be broken by an outside player interrupting it or trinketing it.

Nah you’re probably right. Meeting an ele at equal 430 ilvl should clarifiy things.
Touch of Death is a 2 minute cooldown that can deal up to 130k dmg or so. Lightning Lasso is a 30 second cooldown that deals 130k+ dmg.
So let’s do some math.
During 1 Touch of Death, a shaman can pump out 4 Lightning Lassos. So that’s 4x as much dmg as this “uber broken Touch of Death” (news flash. It only does ~130k dmg if you don’t have a defensive up and if the monk gets to pump in some extra dmg). Let’s also not forget that Lightning Lasso is a 5 second stun. It can be used while moving which makes it even more broken. Flame shock, lightning lasso, frost shock, cast some lava bursts and finish the player off with an earth shock crit that can deal somewhere around 130k dmg as well.

Let’s talk utility now outside of “broken 5 second stun that deals half the players hp on a 30 sec cooldown”. Hex - better than paralysis. Cap totem is easily countered if you can see it yes - compare it to a 5-yard, correction: 2 yard(yes it’s 2 yards), aoe stun on the same cooldown. Ghost wolf vs what? a 30 second “get out of roots” card? just frost shock, run away and gg.

What do Monks have that shamans don’t? Maybe a bit more self-sustain which doesn’t mean anything since you can just Wind Shear the vivifies and nuke us down with your 2nd Lightning Lasso. So please don’t think your class is utterly broken just because you were under the bars for a few patches.
And class is garbage if you get countered yes, it’s super easy to counter a monk. Frost shock spam him and you’ve won. In fact you’ve won vs almost every melee dps in the game.

You’re more than welcome to keep the stun part of the dmg part but not both because that’s just utterly broken and you’re portraying yourself as a hypocrite thinking it’s balanced.

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Uhm I never cried about Touch of Death at all. In fact I think it’s a fair ability. There are other things I hate about Monks, at least Windwalker, like their mobility in combination with instant cc’s. I agree that Lasso can be strong in 1v1 situations but the game is not balanced around 1v1’s and even there I don’t use it that often. You sacrifice potential defensive options for an ability that needs a proper setup against a decent player to work correctly. Also your comment about hex better than paralysis just lol… I just mentioned that hex is extremly risky to use in most situations. One kick and nature school is locked and therefore our heal, all of our totems and ghost wolf. We are no mages which have 3 schools of cc’s ( fire mages) we aren’t allowed for much mistakes against mobile melees. Maybe you first play a shaman by yourself before you post these half-truths.
Have a nice day

in 2v2 you can easily run Adaptation and f!ck the shaman pretty hard
test relenthless too, it could works
(Ele usually gooes with a Destro so you can use relenthless since fear is dispellable from your healer and you basically do not need the trinket if you stay aware of theyr CDs)

Ok let’s take a 2v2 or 3v3 scenario.

You’re playing against a healer who is not a resto shaman? Cheers, pop Lightning Lasso on the dps and you have yourself a free Lightning Lasso duration. Same goes for 3v3s. A melee dps sitting on you and the other dps is somewhere else? Pop Lightning Lasso on the guy sitting on your face and gg, free Lightning Lasso. Or just thunderstorm him and Lightning Lasso while your teammate finishes him off.
Aight so why wouldn’t you pick Lightning Lasso for pvp? I can see that Grounding totem/Counterstrike totem has better uses as well as Spectral Recovery if you really need to sit in ghost wolf 24/7 (not like you can perma-slow people with frost shock and run away with normal ghost wolf). Lightning Lasso is a 30 second mini-cooldown with a built-in 5 second stun. Not like C&S exists anyways.

Let’s compare then:
Paralysis: instant 20 energy cost 6 second paralysis on a 20y range, removed by dmg (hello teammate running over and standing on you preventing WW, and other passive cleave classes, to use many abilities.) 45 second cooldown.
Hex: 1.7 second cast time, 8 second hex on a 30y range, requires more dmg to break than paralysis(or a curse dispel if you happen to play with a druid, mage or shaman). 60 second cooldown.
Shouldn’t be too difficult landing a hex on a target. Cap-totem stun them, run away, hex one, lightning lasso the other.
You’re right. Paralysis is so much better than hex, especially since Hex can be dispelled and you need to be hella quick as melee to run over to the out-of-range ele shaman to interrupt hex before it’s too late.

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