So when will blizzard nerf twilight devastation?

It does 6.2% of my dps for rank 2, it is absolutely not worth it for 50 corruption.

I haven’t tried rank 3 but rank 3 usually is the overpowered version, so I’ll wait and see.

It’s not OP it’s perfectly fine and barely makes a difference :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

(this is an overall mechagon +12)

If you have to believe Bloodmallet. TD did better then pre-nerf echoing Void for AoE, as Havoc.

Yeah I see nothing wrong with this, looks perfectly well balanced :joy: :rofl:

I’ve seen this too.

Last week I did a Manor +11.
Warrior had one Twilight Devastation (rank 2 or 3, can’t remember). He was a skillful Fury Warrior, but when I saw the majority of his overall damage came from a random proc I was speechless to say at least.

On a side note, I don’t have any of those Corruptions (I’ve Maut weapon and rank 3 versatility Corruption) so that’s that.
We cannot change the method of getting this Corruptions but in my opinion some are not ‘fine’/balanced.

I’m mostly still using my Maut weapon in raids because I get more damage out of many small corruptions rather than the 75 from the Nzoth weapon.

The Maut weapon is really fine

I just got a TD ring (tier 1), so I’m expecting a big nerf incoming, just like I couldn’t get the lovely void corruption until after it was nerfed into the floor.

Yes, I know. Maut weapon is a nice drop, in has a default Corruption you just need to get the drop.

Thing is Obsidian Destruction is not a random proc, is a stacking buff you gain by being in combat. You get to 30 stacks and your character screams throwing a voidy wave of destruction.
Also, Obsidian Destruction is not one of my major damage abilities.

they shouldn’t nerf the corruption effects, they should buff the weaker ones… the whole point about this system was to get super powerful effects at a cost, yet, if you nerf all of them, they are not super powerful anymore, they will barely have an effect on your damage and not worth the corruption negatives…

It is much easier to bring one corruption effect in line with the rest, than to raise everything else to the level of the overperforming one though.

The back is already reducing a lot from the negatives, so they aren’t really that much of a negative in the first place.

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but if they keep nerfing the stronger effects, they won’t be worth it anymore… players would just cleanse them if they go above 0 corruption, because getting slowed and possibly die from a mechanic, which you have to run away from (for example Wrathion Mythic) is not worth any corruption effects anymore… there will be no decent dps gains anymore and this would make this entire system pointless

also, with Twilight Devastation, Echoing Void, Infinite Stars and the MInd Flay one, we had 4 strong corruption effects… there are only a few more with stat boni which are weaker, so it wouldn’t have been that much more effort

I wish it was just gear you used in visions.

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Rank 3 of the mastery stat one is better then rank 3 Twilight Devastation in both single target and aoe for me on sims.
Rank 3 and rank 2 mastery with the hunter bow corruption is simming better than rank 1 and rank 3 twilight devastation with a 470 gun with better status.

Do not scoff at the stat procs

This is what I imagine the people behind balancing are like;

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All of them give some level of extra DPS. The difference is that Twilight Devastation stands out for AoE just as much as Infinite Stars do for single target. It is not like Blizzard cannot change the corruption cost of these corruptions along with the damage nerf.

Look at how Void Ritual changed after its buff. It is currently simming very well and its corruption cost isn’t too outrageous either, but you need 3 other people using it to gain that strong boost for it. Gushing Wound is also a pretty strong corruption effect, which also got nerfed (it does not do much of its own, but it was pretty cheap from a damage per corruption standpoint.)

As to the negative effects of corruptions: The DPS increase they provide is still big, so people will use them anyway even they are nerfed if the numbers are still reasonable. There are only a few classes in game which cannot really handle the Thing from Beyond. If you feel that a corruption will cause issues on a boss fight you downsize on your corruption levels, or make use of the cloak’s on use.

for me as a healer, the stat proccs are the better ones too (though I don’t know if something like Twilight Devastation can drop for me)…
for my DH Twilight Devastation sims better…

but as far as I have seen, for most classes the Effects I named seem to sim better

Got 2 of them on my affli lock its not even fun anymore …

If i use my pet that increases health by 30% for 20 sec i just delete the entire pack instantly

Again, if they made them just have the stat increase effects this would be hell of a lot less broken

Stop nerfing what people have invested time and gold and effort to get. I understand not everyone has twilight devastaion right now but in time you will. I only have 1 rank 1 twilight myself but I hate to see people getting super dissapointed because their corruptions are nerfed so heavily like echoing void.

Just buff the bad corruptions to a competitive level. STOP NERFING THINGS TO THE GROUND.


This is an incredibly true statement.

Things being strong is fun. Things being powerful feels good. Of course it would feel better if your classes set bonus for said raid felt powerful or made you strong, so your class feels strong rather than your corruptions, but I guess we’ve gone too far from that one.

But yes, powerful things are good. Why does everyone and their mother play DH? They’re strong, easy to play and have quite a few cool looking animations in the mind of the general player.

If you buff weak things, you’ll make people who own / play said weak things happy. The overall happiness increases.

If you nerf strong things, you’ll make people who own / play said strong things sad. The overall happiness decreases.

I’m not saying keep blatantly broken things in the game or don’t nerf them, but stop killing things. Echoing Void as an example turned from best in single target and good in aoe to decent at best in single target and flat out awful in AoE.

The reason echoing void got nerfed wasn’t because it was stronger than other corruptions (TD as an example was always stronger for AoE scenarios, for tanks and dps alike), but because it was more consistent than all the others (leaving out the flat % gain increases). They’ve made a system where all the major dps corruptions are 100% rng dependant. You get that TD procc in p3 carapace on the adds? Boom your tank is in the top 10 of your dps. You don’t get it? Wasted corruption.

So yeah, the reasoning behind killing EV was because it was consistent, because it didn’t fit in Ions RNG Fiesta, not because it was more powerful than other things.

But yes, please change your philosophy from killing powerful things. Adjust them slightly and buff weaker things to get them up to par, please.

I didn’t know that twilight devestation was such a problem. For me it procs mostly when there are only 2 mobs left, a group of adds are already more or less dead, or I can pull extra mobs behind a wall.
I would honestly prefer 3-4 items that increase tempo/crit from all sources over this unreliable beam.