So when will blizzard nerf twilight devastation?

I’d be happier if Blizzard actually tested their game properly rather than resorting to what your suggesting which is bait and switch.

I think someone got jealous :smiley:

so you don’t agree its too op :)? Funny how the top m+ players are using it. It must really suck <3333 well I would not say no to it obviously :).

i got r3 TD and its a solid 12k+ dps in a m+

in its current state its just overpowered for multitarget

All those passive chances, procs etc… its just an absurd fiesta, I do not like it at all, the player is just loosing control over his character, its cynical parody on BFA itslef (its also mirror of people who made it, they are not WoW players obviously, maybe its just some friendly band of TBC two hander enhancements pvpers at the best) . Its so weird in the third person mmorpg game, where your action bar has 5times ( Havoc is there too, my bad) more buttons then in Diablo etc… , but then some passive proc is literraly better then any of these actiive abilities all together, its silly , its brainwashed (like pointless) an its realy not working for me well, gameplay wise. But i am enjoying it somehow for some time, becouse of how bad the game currently is, its more like overcomplicated lottery with so many half-working systems on the top of it, then a “GAME”, its also looking more like some kind of short event more then "competetive"content, made almost for the year. …just look at the Nzoths death animation is it realy IT… ? Sorry that was rude. I am sorry, I just cant help myself :smiley:

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I think it depends on the class too. Like for dhs theres no doubt it is way too op in m+. Everyone who has it will be using that over any other corruption.

Dude. I had 3x r3 echo void b4 nerf. If they nerfed that why not TD which is way too op in m+.

world quests and world pvp .

I have it and I love it. Why should I lose my fun cuz some clown doesn’t have it and says it should be nerfed? Gtfo with your salty QQ.

Maybe they should change it for tank specs only.

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maybe because I could say the same . I had echoing void full tier 3 b4 nerf so why is that justified. So sdfu.

I have 2 pieces rank 2

Nerf it, its not even fun anymore

Can we just see the ranks removed?

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