So when will random dragonriding dcs get fixed?

I wanted to play with my friends, rid with my dragon and dived down with it, hit the side of a wall, and got dcd. The random dcs with dragonriding happens pretty randomly. I can get dcd after jumping off the ground, while landing, wile barely touching a fence…

Tried logging in for several minutes but it got stuck at 100% all the time.

When I finally logged in I was dead.

And to top it all out, bnet whispers got bugged like usual…

Is it just me?

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Happened to me several times on several chars. Sometimes I had to use unstuck service to be able to play that char again.


Its been like this since release. It doesnt happen often but it happens randomly. And now I played in a pretty interesting event, and I missed most of it due to this… Just because of dragonriding. Can I please use my normal flying mounts Blizz, in DF? I mean, I wont use it all the tme but now that I get dcd so often when somethings important gonna happen, I want to swap to a flying mount instead to not get dcd… :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean damn, someone came back falling thru the world after getting dced due to jumping on a rock and couldnt do anything for long… xD

Never happened to me.

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But why does it happen to me?

Is it my pc or what:/

I haven’t been DC’d for a while.

I recognise that it still happens from time to time. But it’s nowhere near as bad as it was.

Hopefully they will smooth it out completely.

(p.s. stop flying in to walls).

It was so fast and there was like some random thing sticking out so I got dcd by just touching it xD it sucks.

Yeah that happens to me quite a lot of times.

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Probably as soon as they fix random demon hunter dc’s when felrushing…and considering that we are 6 years and counting on that one then I wouldn’t get my hopes up for it.

Plus a million other bugs in game

They are giving us all the DH experience with dragon riding. It’s when the game can’t work out where you are.

What usually works for me is to wait a minute then try to log in, if that still has me in a d/c loop then I log on another character for a few moments then try to log into the d/c character. If that doesn’t work I wait a little then drop my settings to 1, and try to log in again. Worst case you wait 15 mins and try again, if that still doesn’t work I use the character stuck self help via the website (link in article).

It could be true for some but it’s happening to us even when we are on fast reliable services. It’s definitely their end issue. The flying is too fast for the game to cope at times, especially when you hit the terrain.

With dragonriding it’s probably caused by the movement prediction the server does that allows us to move as if we have no latency on our side. To others it doesn’t look as smooth as it does on our clients because they’re seeing the predicted movement.

When we’re going as fast as we’re doing with dragonriding, I think it’s likely that we’re predicted to be out of bounds by the server in some cases and thus we trigger the out of boundary disconnect to safeguard against out of bounds exploits. More than once I’ve seen people come flying on their dragons in full speed and hit the ground and it looks like they just flew through the ground or an object on my side, then it looks like they get teleported up to the ground/area with no objects and then they’re standing still and eventually you see that they’ve been disconnected. While on their side it most likely just looks like they landed and then disconnected.

Pebbles have been my biggest enemy. Land on pebble and game is like DC!

Its not you nor you pc, happended to me many times, and even to a lot of my friends.

Issue occurs when u are on dragon riding mount and u go on stones/walls or even trees. Those mounts are somehow buged and u are counted as in texture and thus u get a kick(most likely some anti cheat/cheese mechanism, or just to protect server from endles bufering) sometimes it lets you relog just fine, sometimes u are stuck in loop of DCs, resulting in either going to unstuck char or trying to “jump out” between each DC .

Blizz keeps radio silnce about this issue, but we all know its issue on their end.

Or the vehicle camera bug that has been in the game sin Wotlk.

This is getting out of hand honestly, this happens to me many times every single day, most likely cuz i tend to fly around and mine in between doing dung and raid, and when it happens i either DC or start teleporting randomly.
Seriously blizz you need to do something about this, not only do i get DC’ed or teleported, but it often also comes with me not being able to enter dungs/raids or not being able to leave them cuz i get a error message, “Transfer aborted, instance not found”

Not being able to dragonride and play dungs/raids is 2 key features in this game/xpack, it cannot be that we at this point in the expansion still have to deal with these issues considered the fact that ppl are paying a monthly sub to play, fix or give us any kind of feedback on whats happening.

Also i dont wanna hear any1 use the “the game was way more buggy in WoD”

might have been, but thats years ago, it should honestly be something they learned from and therefor it shouldnt go and become an issue at that scale again.

Come on blizz u can do better, we believe! you just have to show us.

My worst one was in the Cobalt PvP area
I was flying away and I got disconnected, I log back in I move 1 centimeter and I disconnect again, that repeated like 15 times until I managed to land.

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Lol yes this is the worst. I tried to land from the top to the bottom even going slowly and got dcd every second until it got stuck 100% login screen and I came back dead.

Not sure what is going on.

Perhaps its the effects of the orb items that makes the dragon go nuts for some reason. Like huge player characters hitbox makes the dragon confused and just dcs.


I think I must be lucky. But I have never had a dragon riding DC. I know blizzard says something about have a better connection. I’m wired and 1000mbps that could be it. But I’m on the fence with that one being the issue for people.