So which spec/covenant you're playing on release? What kind of content you do? M+, Raids, pvp?

I’m personally leaning towards Venthyr Affliction for utility and aoe dmg in m+, but really want other 2 specs to be viable. Kyrian seems to be a good overall choice with how it’s looking right now, but having smart curses on 1 min cd seems very strong in m+. What do you guys think?

In my mind it comes down to:
Raiding - Kyrian
M+ - Venthyr
PvP - Night Fae
Demo main - Necrolord

kyrian only because it´s the unique decent choice for raid/m+
I would go necrolords for fantasy and lore… but raid progression is more important

And that’s why the covenant system is a total failure. We don’t choose because we want to join the covenant, we choose the covenant on what they give to us for raids, m+ and pvp.

Blizzard should stop with this borrowed power.


It will most likely be Venthyr for PvP for myself.

I wished Covenant’s were purely cosmetic and that the soul bind bonuses / conduits were identical if they had to include this system.

Necrolord all the way if that was the case.

I guess i will go NF just for ID with Soul Rot feeling. As for warlock all covenants are bad. Venthyr gives silence reduce is still strong.

Venthyr because it’s nice for Instances and at least decent for PvP and for coolness points.

I have a feeling that they will change it mid expansion. Like how getting legendaries in legion sucked, and they made it more and more accessible as the expansion went on.

Raidleader said venthyr sucked butt so I better go NF

… so now im a fairy godmother shadowwielder

The second I entered the Night Fae area on the beta I knew where I belonged.

Well, with the most recent hotfix that happened an hour ago:

Night Fae seems to be the best(or very close to the best) covenant for all 3 specs after seeing some sims.

Actually happy about this, cause I like aesthetics, and extra mobility should be very useful all the way.

From what I understand kyrian will remain the best single target cov followed by night fae, night fae will shine on multitarget fights / pulls tho.

From the sims I saw Night Fae was only slightly behind Kyrian for Aff on single target, so this change is probably enough to make Night Fae the best. It’s also strong for Destro and Demo I think, but Necrolord might be right there on the top actually.

Here’s the guy I watch going over the sims I mentioned.

night fae all the way, i’m so happy that it’s actually a viable choice too yay

prob gonna play both affliction and destro

rip demo </3

Ask yourself if you sacrifice your enjoyment of your class, for some 3% dps increase.

NGL getting a movement boost utility instead of a pot, a channeled shield or another port is still a sweet deal for me

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Planning on going Necrolord for my Destro lock. :slight_smile: Content wise M+ and PvP.

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Thinking of maining Demo (again, because I love suffering). Necrolord seems to be the choice.

I will play mostly destro and casual raids and M+ with friends. Going with Night Fae because I like their enviroment and atmosphere + soul Rot seems like a good cleave spell in dungeons

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Night Far feels amazing to play right now with ID talent! Idk if I can go to life without a blink if they change things up :sob:

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