So You Want to PvP, Tips and Tricks

A lot of people get into PvP these days as it’s a lot easier and rewarding to gear up that way.

So instead of shouting at new people, it’s better to give them tips and tricks.

  1. Always play to the objectives of the BG. Regardless of the BG killing targets is a middle-goal in itself. It’s often a means to achieve the goal. which is winning.
  2. Always kill healers before others. If you target DPS healers can keep them alive for a long time and you’re ultimately unsuccessful.
  3. Get the addon BattleGroundEnemies. It can be set up to show the enemy team, their names, and more importantly their specs so you know who to kill.
  4. Never be a hero. In group content, you’re a cog only and have to do what’s needed. Heroes never win. They just die uselessly in an inspirational way. That’s what makes them heroes.
  5. Get an addon that shows who healed, this is invaluable against teams and people with Cyrillic names (Russian, etc). I use H.H.T.D. myself. It’s an old addon that places an icon above whoever enemy healed last. It does also target off-healers so that’s a bit of an issue, however, it gives information about who healed. Which is nice as information is power.
  6. (Thanks to Opaloka for reminding me of this) Always look at the map when you’ve downtime, and you will have downtime as node-capturing BGs requires guards at the position that was captured. Watch how the dots that represent people are moving. If they’re swirling around then they’re fighting. Find out where the node-capture point should be on the map and watch where people are in relation. If they’re fighting someone should always be on the flag and in combat to make a cap harder.

Make macros for this. A minority of players read the forums and a majority of players in PvP need this information.


Not really experienced in RBGs but pretty sure point 2 is wrong. I believe CCing healers is best

While I appreciate the effort to try and inform new players, I would like to point out that this is obviously a warrior’s point of view. And while that has its own value, you should consider that most warrior-type players forget that pvp is home to the agile minded players. While the warrior likes to cling to the group, the agile minded player does his own thing.
For example a single good rogue that caps bases and flags where the enemy isn’t looking can win the entire game.
It’s too much for this simple post to get into more details about the matter. But I would like to add to the warrior’s advice with some agile minded advice.
If you are a new player and you’re not sure what’s going on in the battlegrounds yet, it might be usefull to focus on doing relevant achievements. Just ignore the group and focus on these. When you start doing these, you’ll see your insight in the bg’s grow.

Warrior-type players will probably not agree with my post, but I hope you can appreciate the insight I’m trying to provide.( My advice is based on 141k hk’s so far.)

What? They’re universal advice, number 1 is actually harder for melee than for ranged. How is this for warrior types? If you mean stubborn thinkers say so since you specifically mention agile thinkers.

There’s a class called Warrior so you using the name is both insulting to the players of the class and does nothing to advise people since they think it’s aimed at the class.

One of the best things you can do if you’re new to the BG’s, is learn to press M when you have the time. Learn to read the little coloured dots on the screen and where they and you are in relation to the objectives of the BG. Have your teams health bars visible even if you’re not a healer, you can make judgements about where you need to go or who may need support based on the state of their health bars. Sometimes a game can be won simply by your own awareness of what is going on and what you can do about it.


@ warrior: Since you are alliance, I accept your opinion. Please stay exactly the same. Remember that I am not YOUR friend in pvp.

Are you on something? This reply makes no sense in context.

For map press shift + m.

Altrought objectives are technicaly the only way to win most of the bgs…i dont thing “alway play the objective” is a good advice man. For example in wsg and tp the very first middle fight is very important …if you controll the map…flag carrier wont go trough usualy. Its not very wise to spam “go for flag” and then 6/10 players are riding on the very side avoiding mid running for the flag, meanwhile the rest of the team gets decimated in the middle and ofcourse those 6 with flag gets deleted rigt after since they will be outnumbered.

Same goes for AB gilneas…why on the start is going 5 ppl for capping the lighthouse and then our only two healets stand there defending meanwhile our team gets decimated on ww…one pet class or stealthie reporting will be way better…but thats hard to achieve since most ppl que bg to pvp not to sit afk at stables.

Ofcourse ignoring efc and griefing under graveyard is not ideal either.

Always focus healers…if those healers know what they are doing …they will be behind making your melees to go out of position …if 10 ppl focus one or two guys at the time no healer in the game would be able to keep them up only against interrupts. imho

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Thing is, there are many Hybrid healers. so even when you attack healers, Hybrids will look after them.

In that specific BG part of the objective of winning is controlling the midfield. So that’s still playing to the objective. It just happens to be one where the natural inclination for murder, death, kill to prove your superiority is beneficial.

They will, and even so, their healing is weaker than a main healer’s so they’ll die eventually.

Not WoG :wink:

Then that’s a Paladin issue instead of an off healer issue.

Hey thanks a lot for the advices, especially regarding the add-ons. It can be quit hard to identify the healer in a big team fight sometime.
I have a question however, I have a poor ilvl and I can get 2-shot by a lot of classes. I often defend the capture points in BG but I feel useless somehow. I am standing close to point, ready to defend but I finally get 2 shot and the guy can capture the point as if I was not defending at all. Wouldn’t I be more useful in a team fight ?

In your case, you would be better on the attack as long as you’re behind the first person going in. Human psychology makes us always react to the first threat we perceive.

This is won’t work when PvP is totally broken. Everything, MMR, Balance even people, cause of gear. Cause toxic sometimes. But actual problem is that we have some elitism in game. Some specs are elite and they win, rest of all gain only bad winrate and can’t brake the walls of rating.

Blizzrd make so bad PvP in this season. Actually battles could be awesome, I like bursty PvP, I don’t like that is not fair. Why rogue can one shot and feral no? Why Boomkin can one-shot, and Fury warrior no?

Also gear. For getting gear you need a rating, for gain rating you need a gear, but even if you are get gear, you are nothing cause of PvE gear. I’ve got 1500 in RBG, and lose to 1300+ cause I’ve got enemies with 40k HP, and they doesn’t care about your vers, they just stomped all your team so easy…

All of your tips looks correct, but you can do nothing against gear problem and process finding good comps.

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