Social guild [Pilping Initiative] looking to expand

This is a new guild formed around a few people that met at the start of War Within and have enjoyed hanging out. We are hoping to expand our little group so we could start doing things like raids, battlegrounds as a full guild group and other random stuff both in and outside of WoW in a casual manner.

So, what is Pilp?
Pilp to me means ‘relaxed hardcore’, as in doing things in maybe a less optimal way.
I have always liked things like hardcore mode, ironman challenges and puzzles in games, were figuring out a solution ( though not always successfully :sweat_smile: ) has been more fun than actually clearing it.
What will Pilp be for you? Only time can tell.
In other words, this is not necessarily a progression guild but more of an adventure guild, were the journey is more important than the destination, wherever it may be headed.

We are looking forward to meet likeminded people to build a community rather then just a one game guild.

If this is of interest to you or have any questions, please feel free to add me on Hello, we are a newly formed guild around a few people (4-5) that met at the start of War Within and have enjoyed hanging out. Currently, we are raiding with randoms / pugs.

Our goal would be to get a nice community together so that we can start doing things like dungeons, raids, battlegrounds and other random stuff both in and outside of WoW in a casual manner. In terms of raiding, we managed to finish the raid on normal. We want to do that a few more times before stepping into heroic. Mythic raiding is not on our list.

In terms of M+ we enjoy running it and are hoping to do that soon in guild groups. This will be a very chilled environment, without anyone being bullied or bashed on. If this is of interest to you or have any questions, please feel free to add us on Lifiroan#2445 or Teqster#21173 or on discord: lifiroan or nekomal.

Thank you for your time and may you find your inner Pilper :3

Good luck guys, never really got a chance to say goodbye in the other guild.


Thanks mate, best of luck to you too and your future endeavours. May we meet again :3

Get your [PI] today. Still looking for new people who would like to join us.

Just wanted to add that [PI] are still looking for social/casual/likeminded people for adventures together, we’re currently looking to run M+ together as we’re such a small guild at the moment but eventually get back into raiding once we have enough and doing events such as Ironman challenge, transmog/mount farming, achievement hunting, even pet battles!, so if you’re looking for a smaller social guild that already has experience of the current raids/dungeons then please consider giving us a try and see if you fit in :slight_smile:

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No matter if you are heal, dps or tank. Raid, M+, PvP or running old content for transmog. We are doing many different things.

Add me on bnet: Teqster#21173 and become a [PI] directly today. If you search for “Pilping Initiative” in the WoW Guildfinder then you can find us also there and apply.

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Still open for adventurer applicants. :3