Social Player LF guild

Hello everyone

Im looking for a social guild to join and hopefully get to do some group activities
a little about myself, im 30, used to play TBC and Wotlk but i’ve bought some of expansions to the extend of playing for few days, I am however looking for a place to call home, find few friends and get back into playing, raids and dungs with friends have always been my fav part of the game
But i understand that the game is not what wotlk used to be so im looking for a place that i can ask my dumb questions and learn/exp the game at a safe non toxic pace

Thank you all in advance

Hi there

I run a casual raiding guild but were all friendly and happy to answer any questions you may have.

We don’t then do organise dunegons and delves officially but there always people doing these things and if you ask if anybody is interested you’ll generally get people joining up :slight_smile:
If you’d like to chat about it then please message me on leon501#2740

Hi you can check out our guild in the link below :slight_smile: we are a dad guild, we raid every friday, we are a very socials interactive guild, most of us played classic vanilla throuh wrath together and started the raid up in retail after tww launch :slight_smile:

you are welcome to contact me on :slight_smile:
Bliss#21999 -

Hey :slight_smile:

You could consider us as an option too ^^

We’ll happily take in a social / Casual / new player :smiley:

Hi, Lucid is a new casual guild looking to recruit players of all abilities and experiences. We have a happy group that will talk with you and help whenever needed. We have not yet started raiding, but we will do it once we have enough interested members.

My Bnet is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord markh1511

Hey if you havent found your home yet we are always looking for more likeminded people, most of us are 30+ got our life commitments goin on so we play whenever we feel like it, come raid when you want/can , same for any other content. We have people from all skill levels, some stick to the lower casual end some like to push , something for everyone!