Good day to everyone!
Again, noob question:
I am leveling pretty slowly(for SoD). I will probably be 60 next week.
**Question:**As i heard, SoD last phase will be over soon - having that in mind could you please advise if it is even worth to start farming items as a fresh 60lvl? (assuming i won’t be able to tryhard and close every raid/instance every reset)
Overall interested in 2 aspects:
- Time it takes to be ready for raids (maybe i just won’t have enough time time Naxx is over)
- Perhaps no enough people are doing ‘old’ 60lvl content for a fresh player to find a 5-man parties?
TY to everyone who will share his pow.
Honestly just go for it.
Gearing is a lot easier than in ERA since bosses drop more loots.
All content is being farm atm. Scholo/strat/BRD for coins, MC, ZG are easy to get into since people do them either for the legendary or the idols for their enchants, meaning a lot of gear is available. BWL is still very relevant and AQ10 is being pugged easily.
You’ll have to get some gear before tackling AQ20 but if you have a few evenings available and lady luck on your side you can really gear yourself rapidly.
Next phase is in a few more weeks and they announced another phase (at least) after that so don’t worry SoD won’t end in a couple of weeks.
People have been saying ‘SoD will die soon’ since phase 1. We don’t actually know if Naxx is the last phase or not; karazhan crypts and scarlet halls are still being hinted at. We also don’t know what happens afterwards.
Gearing is beyond fast. For starters; every spec now has a useful tier set instead of everybody and their grandmother competing for the same off-tier items. There’splenty of catch up raids, new craftable items and an ‘undermine real’ vendor;which is basically like badges of justice from TBC/WoTLK.
Depends on your realm? Wild Growth Alliance is pretty active, always got people pugging stuff here.
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Find yourself a nice guild and you’ll always have a good time playing. If you however insist on pugging everything: no it’s not worth playing.
Well according to the roadmap 2025 from Blizzard no new content gets released after next phase which is still in Winter. Spring MoP gets released.
So it‘s safe to say the season is about to end. Anniversary is new though with TBC on the horizon
honestly it’s super fast to gear your char in sod , i did a shaman from lvl 1 to 60 full T2 in 2 weeks