SoD - Holy Paladin - Looking for Information/Clarity

I am playing a holy paladin as an alt and i have some questions if any1 knows these answers (from actual testing, not just guessing) would be appreciated.

1 - The 6PC T1 bonus, that applies a small AoE heal everytime someone is topped up, does this proc twice if i heal 1 character and the Beacon of Light also tops off the tank etc? Or is this just capped to 1 proc?

2 - The T2.5 4pc set bonus, which makes heals on your Beacon of light target also heal the nearest friendly injured target for 90%. is this only from DIRECT heals on the beacon of light?

trying to work out if this is just swapping you from healing someone else to proc Beacon heal on tank for 75% to main healing tank for 100% and a 2nd person for 90% for more heal and higher heals on the tank. Or can you apply this to heal 3 people?

If i heal party member 1 > Procs BoL heal on tank > Procs 90% of the Beacon heal onto 3rd player.
