SoD - Hunter issues/suggestions

Hi there.

I have some minor suggestions to make the Hunter class function a bit more like we all would’ve wanted. Not trying to make them stronger/weaker, but just minor things.

  1. Extra stable slot - I really hoped we would get this in Phase 3, but sadly we didn’t. Right now most raiding hunters have a Wind Serpent and a Cat, but there are many options like a Wolf (great for boosting/solo dungeons) or an Owl (in case you need Screech for the raid). That on top of training new pet spell ranks means you need to abandon pets quite often. One extra stable slot would be a huge quality of life change, so I’d suggest for P4 to add a quality of life book for an additional stable slot.

  2. Focus Fire - Currently Focus Fire stacks are generated with Claw and Bite. It’s fine to have them generated by abilities, but this excludes a lot of pets. My suggestion would be to allow Frenzy stacks to also generate from Screech, and potentially also from magic abilities like Scorpid Poison, Lightning Breath or the new Corehound ability. This way we’re not stuck with cats like we’ve been forever.

  3. Melee hunter diversity - Many hunters are complaining they are moving away from melee hunter because they are just too bored of the 2 button rotation. For P4 I’d suggest to come up with a way to make melee hunter less reliable on solely Raptor Strike and Flanking Strike. Suggestions: a rune that changes serpent sting to a melee version that does more than just plain dmg. A rune that allows you to use mongoose bite whenever you crit while passively increasing the dmg/effect of mongoose bite.

  1. People have been asking for this since the start. The devs don’t want to do this because they don’t like Hunters having fun.
  2. Hunters have been asking for proper disengage since the start which would benefit melee by allowing them an out and a way to apply ranged stings to their targets. The devs don’t want to do this because they don’t like Hunters having fun.

I said that if they didn’t overhaul the runes in phase 2 then I would just reroll. They didn’t. So I rerolled. Why are you still playing a class the developers hate and actively sabotage? You don’t get to have fun as a Hunter. You don’t get to have good runes. You don’t get to have good synergy or interesting playstyles. It’s been asked for since the beginning of SoD and the only conclusion I can come to is that the developers just simply do not want to do it because they don’t like Hunters having fun.

Seriously. You should reroll. You should have rerolled at the end of phase 1 when you saw the P2 runes. The devs REFUSE to rework Hunters to be fun and work properly. So why bother playing it?

Agreed. Hunters in general need changes. Raptor’s Fury didn’t change the game play at all besides now prioritizing Raptor Strike even more over Flanking Strike. The latter is just there as filler.

Mongoose Bite keeps getting buffed through runes but still deals fixed damage before armor. Why not give it AP/weapon scaling and have it consume all stacks of Raptor’s Fury or Flanking Strike for a big hit or something? Let alone allowing it to be used without having to dodge. All the power of the melee runes is concentrated on a single ability: RS.

It’s all just a mess. I have written before about hunter stuff here, should you be interested.

I’m not too hopeful though. At least they gave us more pets and even a new family (somehow wyverns didn’t get the same treatment) but it still feels half-made due to the new family having no Dash/Dive and no viability besides novelty. Of course, no more stable slots in sight despite the community asking the devs over and over. They’ve never even talked about whether it’s hard or easy to do.

Focus Fire is a tiny step in the right direction because we need way more active interaction with the pets and a way of having BM ranged do more than just AFK auto-shotting and multi-shotting once every 10 seconds. However, I’d rather have something better than taking stacks from a pet to buff us such as making Kill Command a 6s cooldown attack.

Plus as you say so many families are excluded but they were gonna be anyway. Like, the best pet to use Focus Fire with are cats/raptors and then owls/bats (but they’re worse unless you somehow need Screech). Wind Serpents won’t be as good due to LB’s 50 focus cost. That is fine though because they can just be used by melee hunters, which is great for variety but in the end we keep using the three same eternal families. No changes from vanilla.

Just like on my Shaman alt I feel like they aren’t developing good synergy in a rotation or playstyle for classes. Feels like they add new things without thinking about the result they want to achieve.

They should know that a core hound pet that can’t learn any +speed skills will never be used.

And yeah. Screech to work as a claw replacement for focus fire would be great. I would love to use an owl for raids where screech is useful, but it’s a huge dps loss if it doesn’t generate focus fire stacks.

And I can understand why they wouldn’t want Disengage to be a jump. Retail has way too many of those skills and I understand why we want to reduce mobility a bit to maintain some sort of a ‘classic’ feel. But they don’t come up with good alternatives right now for melee hunters. It’s so simple… Like Mongoose bite allows you to use your next ranged ability in melee range. There you go. Rotation is more fun.

I mean the simplest thing is this. Hunters have repeatedly asked since phase 1 before skill books were a thing to turn Lion into a class quest (then in phase 2 a skill book) and just remove the extra 10% from the Hunter at around week 3 of SoD. I’ve seen it on the EU and US forums.

How many months are we into SoD at this point? What’s still a rune? Oh that’s right, Lion is!

They know.

They know we want this changed.

They aren’t changing it.

Because see here’s the thing, it’s not good enough to change it half a year into the stupid game mode because that means we had to suffer bad game design for half a year before those lazy living thumbs could get off their butts to actually do their damn jobs.

They have no idea how Hunters work.
We do.
We tell them what should be reworked.
They refuse to do it and refuse to address it.
They don’t want to do it.

Sensible game design.
Simple synergies.

They don’t want to do any of this stuff.

Here’s how out of touch the developers are of their own game right. They gave druids Mangle and Lacerate on the same rune slot. And then in phase 3 they gave us some rune that resets Lacerate if you use Mangle (among other abilities)… But they are on the same slot… You can’t pick them both… So they admitted that they moved some runes around (what was their original rune layout?) and in all of those months to proofread the rune descriptions NO ONE caught the fact that Mangle and Lacerate are on the same slot and altered this runes description.

We can post the most obvious uh-duh! solution possible to a problem and they just won’t do it. At this point it is either extreme incompetence or malice. They’re doing it out of spite.