SOD - Metamorphosis Rune and SOD good job it is awesome!

In my opinion, the Metamorphosis rune is just fine. To put it simply, it is one of the best runes in the game so far. It will make Warlock overpowered in PvP within this bracket, has huge visual effect (What other class has a rune that completely changes their appearance?) It should be the hardest to obtain. I am glad Blizzard chose this approach. And if someone complains that it is hard to obtain… come on, the game has been out for less than a week, so it is not something unrealistic to achieve. My Warlock is coming for it, and I am glad I have something to work on. The fact that I will probably obtain it during Christmas doesn’t matter at all, as I intend to play this game for a minimum of a year. So, what is a month trying to level up, gear up, and get the best rune in the game? Nothing. I assume it will be the best rune all the way until the end of SOD.


That’s the spirit. Hope that you enjoy the journey to get it, have fun.

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It’s also a super cool questline, we loved getting it for our warlocks!