SOD P3 PVP Class balances (honest opinions)

We cant do a balanced game for both pvp and pve. The classes has to many differences.
Many complains about classic turns more to retail. Retail has less differences and therefor also easier to balance.

Also in all of classic history the one who starts the fight win.

Im asking how do you balance a cloth caster to a melee plate?
If a meele gets in your face you die if the caster can kite you die

So for only PvP aspect, you would only nerf your class 5% damage and that you would also take less damage? :joy:

Agree with that, it cannot be balanced for both pvp and pve. Disagree with that who attacks first wins on classic. There was classes and spec who just counter another class/spec, which is great. Who starts fight wins may be true only for casual conditions, but do not apply to skilled pvp players. I don’t want to deep dive into it, just saying.

moonkin 2shot you only if they crit with starfire , smth like 8%
as for druid heal they don’t need surviability , we have a tons thanks to new runes , they need a way to get mana back or a mana cost nerf cuz atm you’re oom after 10sec while shaman/priest have infinite mana

To all the shaman haters and cryers, feel free to try mine and get 2 shot by a hunter with instant chimeras.
As a warrior, everything might seem OP given the fact that your character is the absolute worst for all 1v1 encounters.

I believe warriors as a class supposed to be hard to kill, but on the other hand can sacrifice same amount of damage they do in order to keep overall class equity.

So every class should get alot amount of nerf but your warrior fantasy shouldnt becuase… Its an fantasy? Okey :joy:

As a Spriest my fantasy is to put up dots that make my victims suffer in pain before they die, so its fun seeing them try to run away in both fear and pain until after around 20+ seconds they fall flat and die becuse noone was there to save them (dispelling).

Shouldnt I be able to have my fun while you have your fun?

Yes, i got that its about PvP, but you cant just simply nerf and buff things without affecting PvE performances.

Thats why I said: Its possible, but not that easy.

Nerf Dots by 25%.
Then Put Twisted Faith to the Dispersion Rune slot.
Add a Mind Flay aspect to the Pain & Suffering Rune slot.

So you have a PvP nerf, but a PvE buff. Players will absolutley still cry, cause priest is a well rounded class without many weaknesses. Especially when you play Dwarf.

wana talk about pvp start with rouges. , paladins, shamy´s. Druids with and 2 shot starfire mechanics.or their swiish swosh dead abilitys. shadow preists arent the problem. No you cant remove dots just because you dont like them.

Noone wana talk about the Elephant in the room here.
this rogue damage left me speechless (

i think the hunter and mage has a good counterplay there. a walking poto? that took him 6 seconds per kill. 6 seconds!!!

and people ** about some freaking dot that ticks over 1/3 of a min. come back from la la land. and look at the data, look at how some classes are infact broken.

Pvp might improve at 60 …yeah :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:… can only wait and see

I have managed to afk/farm to rank 7 while reading/doing paper work with some tunes on in the background

PvP is simply not worth the time or effort

(unless your a masochist / wow addict and can’t stop)

The only way to fix pvp and pve with classes is to have pvp Rune only and pve Rune only. Or have them do different things inside bgs and raids

Hey there mate, i don’t know about if you understand what I posted as a whole or not. You are talking like warriors are the ones OP and saying “your class having no nerf but my class getting nerfed”. SP is OP in PVP. Not the warrior is? So where is the meaning of saying “oh your class not getting nerfed” ? Also if you may open your eyes and read the post well there are also buffs for some other specs/classes in the game im mentioning especially for heal specs.

Thank god heal specs will get buffed!

SP is not really OP, in 1vs1 fine yes, but if you have a dispeller in your BG and/or group in your STV group they could dispell the dots, paladins are very good in doing that, but what are you basing your info on? 1vs1s? :joy:

Spriest is one of the worse specs when it comes to PvE, still you gonna nerf them with 25% ? Makey no sensey

Yes actually, I have simply put this post based on 1v1 world pvp dynamics. I am not speaking about battlegrounds or group battles. This is how you can understand a classes power over other classes…

But why should some classes not be a counter to another class? 1vs1 dosent happen in a normal cenario. Rogues can keep you stunned up to 30 seconds, noone can counter that, should we remove they ability to stun becuase of that? Just becuase they can do it in a 1vs1 cenario but wouldnt really be able to do it with more ppl around, for example in a BG.

You still don’t understand mate. Ofc some classes are anti of some other classes. It always been like that and it is not an issue. SP is simply OP over almost all classes, this is a fact. Can you name which class/classes can take out shadow priests?

Really depends on your skill lvl aswell tbh :joy:

I would see rogue and shamans should be able to kill a spriet with not to big of an hassle if the shaman puts down hes totem right.
Hunters too.

Then if they survive is another thing, but you have 3 classes right there, too sad a warrior cant kill them right? Then they are too OP.

A warrior could prob be able to kill a spriest, but would he survive IF he did it? No. And I think thats the biggest problem for you right? Not saying warriors is the best class against a spriest, but your problem is “surviving a spriest” so even if you kill them you might die, right?

I’m playing a mage and biggest problem for me is mana. Usually people didnt have 50% hp buff and 50% dmg reduction buff so mana to damage ratio on your spells was fine. Now you can use a spell and it deals less damage than it’s mana cost. Often you run out of mana before you even get to kill the target and then you would have to sit for 60s to regen it up. It seems to me that blizz was fixing burst problems and overlooked the mana problem that will arise.

Also healing seem to be way too strong right now.

hmm arcane mage is wayy worse but it doesnt get any buffs tho and it doesnt do anything in pvp with no pushback protection and 30y range on ab and it doesnt give 3 classes of debuffs in raid so dont complain about shadow pls

It is not a counter. It is an auto win. U see a warrior in open world with any other class in a game, in a 1v1, unless gear difference is above and beyond, the fight is free for the non-warrior player. As much as u like ur “class fantasy”, so do I. I like to have a chance of killing a class as much as they have a chance of killing me. Counter is fine, but counter to the point where I can just go afk after I see a certain class in open world is not fine. If I misplay they win, if they misplay I win. Instead, u can f everything up and still win with minimal effort against us. gz.

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