SOD P3 PVP Class balances (honest opinions)

[UPDATE NOTE: I wrote this post before the latest PVP damage reduction aura update which released on 27th april. Please make your comments based on pre-update. Also want to mention that I don’t support the update and it should be reverted back in a second.]

The game needs some class balances in order to make PvP more sense.
Some of the ability additions during phase 2 and 3 made some classes broken in PvP in my opinion.

Would like to share my honest thoughts on the ones that are most obvious to me.
I am just gonna share my raw perspective of thoughts, so don’t go too hard on me guys :'P

-Their balance abilities hits a little bit much… Killing most of the classes by just 2 spell cast.
-They needs a little bit help with survivability for restoration spec.

-Some of their specs are pretty strong but personally that is somewhat okay. Just maybe BM hunter pet damage could be reduced.

-Some of their runes are a little bit too good such as “Displacement” but still acceptable. Maybe if they are using “Displacement” rune their blink cooldown should be increased 1 or 2 seconds?

-The class is already having lot of survivability abilities such as bubbles, LOH and various healing stuff. On top of that survivability they have,
retri palas hitting like a truck aswell. I think its not making sense to be capable of doing the both.
Maybe a fixation for their couple most damage dealing skills reduced by something like 7% could do the work.

-Shadow priests are broken… They are having generous amount of defensive/survivability enhancing abilities and talents while they do crazy damage with their DOTs + cast abilities…
Maybe their total DOTs damage should be reduced significatly around 20-25%.

-Rogues supposed to be a very strong class in pvp with a game style importantly based on their stuns and CCs and resetting cooldowns and go over again.
On top of that now they do very serious physical damage! Now they bring kind of much damage that they don’t even need their stun rotations and can go and damage like a warrior class.
For a solution maybe their most hitting ability such as “Mutilate” damage could be mitigated by 15-20%.

-Oh boy… Don’t know where should I start for real. To me enhancement shammys are the most broken class in the game right now. I am playing with warrior class as a main character in the game
and nothing that I do (including using 30min. cd retaliation or disarm) gives me advantage to kill a proper enhancement shaman. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying I should be able to win a combat against
shamans or not saying warriors should be able to win all combats but lets be realistic for a second. They have instant spell casting ability they can use it for instant chain lightning
hitting like truck, they can use it for an instant heal that heals themselves like 50% of their HP, they are capable of dealing insane amount of damage with weapons and they have various utility abilities (purge,lightning shield,wolf).
I really don’t understand that a class wins a combat against a warrior(having most HP and plate armor) in 3 seconds no matter what warrior do. Warrior starts to combat with charge and disarms the enhancement shaman
goes hardest as it could get, and lets say the enhancement shammy got disarmed how the hell they are still able to kill the warrior? I am thinking that Blizz should do some serious homework for P4
on enhancement shammies.

-On the other hand restoration shammies needs a little bit help for their survivability during pvp combats. Some damage reduction gains on restoration talents maybe?

-Warlocks are pretty strong like always. But their meta form + life drain abilities make them kind of unkillable. Okay now they are tank class with meta form and they are having huge amount of armor and damage reduction.
But if you are adding drain life over that im feeling like im fighting against a +5 level elite boss… Their drain life ability or rune could be reconsidered and heal gains over it should be reduced something like 30-35%.

-As I mentioned earlier that I am maining a warrior and I am more than happy with the damage I do with my class.
But if we are talking about class balances and if these other class balances are going to be made, then some changes on warriors aswell would make sense.
Don’t know what exactly could be done but warrior’s total damage could be reduced around 5% but their total damage taken could be reduced 5% aswell(maybe adding some more initial armor and spell resistances) in all stances.

Thanks for reading guys and tried to put my general perspective based on the current state we are in. I just wanted to share my opinions before P4 and really don’t want to see that a class is totally broken and dominates all other classes while making others frustrated.
Please share your opinions aswell.

Take care <3


Skill Issue


They don’t have enough trained staff to fix pvp this time around, maybe next season (if there is one)

I honestly don’t think anyone works in sod dev team who has a math qualification beyond kindergarten.

OP I feel sorry for you and players who enjoy the game and have to play something that’s had very little effort put into it, your all stressing out over it, the devs are chilling on lunch break

Spot on, not a single thing that I disagree with.

Checking notes

Shadows are the worst Damage dealers in PvE. Even below Tanks, competing with Feral Tanks for the last spots before the healers.

Calculating the proposed change of 25% less dot damage

~35% of shadows damage come from dots. -25% is a 7% damage nerf on single target fights and roughly estimated 10-15% damage loss on multi target fights.

Checking Logs again.

Yes. We are crappy healers now.

The solution isnt that easy.
Not impossible, but not that easy.


The thread is about pvp. And there is so doubt at all that their damage, utility and defensives are too much. Priests are much more broken than Shamans for sure


I can understand and feel you in terms of PVE side mate. But the topic is meant to be for PVP balancing part of the game.

Meta form is super bad for pvp tho

I think most classes are fine but warriors need big BUFF and new skills for pvp. Also take away bubble in BGs but overall BUFF paladins.

If only there was some way of reducing this number by using an ability of sorts. Maybe that’s an idea for a future warrior rune?

Well Boomkin does fine, but feral…? He is upper troll tier in my opinion. A horrible rog. Wish he wouldnt be THAT horrible. You cant even shred many people because they just wont turn turn around and mangle got nerfed for god knows what reason.

Other than that, i think you are pretty on point.

Warrior players free comedy show

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I played feral. The mangle nerf= blame pve elitists who are “mAgLe foR da NoObz, sHreD 4 pRo!” Truth is mangle was the best thing for feral. Positioning for shred has always been terrible.

P1 pre nerf the spec was golden, top tier pve dps, good in pvp and had the sunfire meme spec.

Today= dead spec.

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Cool thread, I’lll jump in with my experience:

  • In terms of survivability in PvP the paladin is very lackluster compared to classes like priest, druids and mages outside of 1v1 WPvP. We have a 5 min cd 10 sec bubble and 1hr CD LoH. Flash of light is not healing anything with the dmg this phase, and good luck being allowed to hardcast a holy light.

  • The paladin has always had burs and utility since classic, where it’s tradeoff was the big lack of sustained dps and mobility. In SoD the paladin has received more burst and sustained dmg, but the mobility and survivability is still in classic state.

This is why I switched from 2h ret to shockadin in PvP so I can actually self sustain with holy shock while having good burst. My mobility and sticking power is trash as everyone got a trinket for the stun and movement+ on boots as well as added utility. Additionally, taking avengers shield over exorcism in pvp is just nuking your dmg.

I’d swap divine shield for dispersion in a heartbeat.


Lemme just leave this here
Skuria’s Chimera Shot hits Belrog for 1619 Nature.(Critical)


Shaman: gutted in pve, even tank spec is gutted. only viable spec now is enh dps. and forget about pvp. shamanistic rage needs to be useable while stunned or its joever.

Rogue: happy we reached the point where we die within cheap shot, so we’re damned if we trinket it (because kidney) and damned if we don’t because we’ll just outright die. hopefully the pvp dmg reduction will fix this.

Paladin: arguably the biggest crybabies i have ever seen. gut them. see how these squealing little pansies like it when their class not only doesn’t get buffed, but actually get hit by spec breaking nerfs.

Warrior: i had sympathy for them until i saw them campaigning against shamans in various threads… my guys, we shamans are what make you function in pvp AND pve, i would be very careful who i attack with hostile vitriol, or i might conveniently decide agi totem > wf totem.

Priest: yo that shadow damage nerf was galaxy brain. my lvl 46 priest literally melt multiple lvl 50’s and he is still in BFD gear. lmao.

Hunters: just like paladins you need to sit down. your class is 1 button dent and its 1# dps. you absolutely need to get those recent buffs reverted and on top of that your ability to clap everything in melee with 1 button macro needs to go, yesterday. chop chop blizzard.

Mage: this class has flown under the radar for basically all of SOD. their potential in pvp is unmatched. simple as.

Warlocks: way too much survivability. absolutely need gutted.

Druid: currently the only class worthy of sympathy atm. i hope they get a few more buffs to bring them up to par with everyone else. i am willing to live and let live in regards to the starsurge epidemic, but don’t you ever get cocky like that again, or its no mercy from hereon out.

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Check out the raid logs—Shadow priest damage matches that of protection tanks. The data doesn’t lie. This post seems somewhat nonsensical and detached from reality; it’s driven by personal opinions. I have no sympathy for someone who surpasses 1300 and out-DPSes my class threefold, then demands a nerf because they want an “I win” button when they’re already at the top tier. Shadow priests desperately need a significant buff.

Mind spike cast time is now 3 sec but damage increased by whatever amount you need to top meters.

Wow, crazy difficult fix.


This is a pvp thread mate. We are not talking about logs.

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I got hit for a 2.8k choas bolt in wsg the ither day :joy::joy:

Cannot agree more!
In my opinion the main issue are runes. It is not the concept what makes trouble, nice to have new additions, but the missing part. Most of those new abilityes are from later expansions, but there is the catch-they are created on diferend state of game under different conditions. Just example: If you get abbility on 40 level, which is designed to have when you are 70 lvl, this creates imbalance, because you do not have stats and other talents you would have otherwise, nor the entire game environment. Adding something to already somehow balanced system creates imbalance, and it must be further adjusted.
There is no way they to balance it without adjusting the whole game stats and mechanics. It is obvious. Addind flat reduction of damage will not gona fix it, but will amplify the issues. On top of that the skills they adding are from different expansions where game and player stats are a lot different and they was created according to that state. You cannot just take randomly, give for fun and expect to be fine. It is not easy and simple task, they messed up very bad. Those runes should have been just a slight improvements and QoL stuff rather than becoming determining factor of building up the spec.
Most specs are build around certain runes.
For example rogue assassination pve build (which can 3 shot most specs in pvp) is based around 2 runes, otherwise it won’t work, the funny part is, whatever I change my talent spec I can play it the same way as long as I use those 2 runes. That means they replace the whole talent build. We use talents to compliment runes, in reality must be the opposite.
Can add more, but I think this is the most important. Hope they can see it. Idea is really great, but very poorly developed, sadly…

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