SoD Phase 4: A Marathon, Not a Sprint?

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share some thoughts on the upcoming Phase 4 release for SoD. As we all know, this phase brings a lot of exciting content, but the timeline seems pretty intense. Here’s a breakdown of what we’re expected to accomplish within just one/two weeks:

  1. Leveling from 50 to 60: This alone is a substantial task. Even for seasoned players, grinding out 10 levels in a week while balancing real-life commitments is a significant challenge.
  2. Acquiring Tier 0 Gear: Once we hit 60, we need to start farming dungeons to collect our Tier 0 set. This requires not just time but also coordination with groups and managing RNG drops.
  3. Tier 0.5 Questline: After getting the Tier 0 set, the questline to upgrade to Tier 0.5 is another time sink. The quests are known to be lengthy and resource-intensive.
  4. Gearing Up: Besides the Tier 0.5 questline, we need to get raid-ready gear. This involves running more dungeons, and potentially spending time in PvP.
  5. Professions: Keeping up with professions to craft necessary items, especially for those providing essential raid consumables, is another big task. Gathering materials, leveling up, and creating items takes considerable effort.
  6. Consumables Preparation: Stockpiling consumables for raids is crucial. This means farming herbs, fishing, and other activities to ensure we’re fully prepared for the new challenges.

Considering all these tasks, it feels like the content is being rushed. The pace might burn out many players who can’t commit to such a tight schedule. Here are a few points to ponder:

  • Content Enjoyment: Rushing through these stages may diminish the enjoyment and satisfaction we get from the game. It’s not just about the destination, but the journey.
  • Player Retention: Burning through content too quickly can lead to player burnout, potentially causing a drop in active player numbers after the initial hype.
  • Community Impact: With so many tasks to complete in a short span, it could strain community interactions and cooperation, as everyone races against the clock.

Would it be better if we had more time before raid launch? I believe a more extended timeline would allow us to appreciate the content fully, enjoy the game at a sustainable pace, and maintain a healthier in-game and real-life balance.

What are your thoughts? Are you feeling the pressure of this tight schedule, or are you ready to tackle it head-on?


Hito the Paladin

Zero reasons to grind 50-60 in a week

I’m expecting it to be a sprint.

6-8 months then killed off.

Well you must level fast to get gear to be on point for raid? There are no more reasons, but it’s enough if you don’t want to be out of the roster

Well thats you, who chose trying-for-world first-guild

I will farm rank 10 pvp set instead

We have first raid release in 2 weeks, i think it’s enough to level. We will have different difficulty levels and i think that for first lvl difficulty you don’t really need full t0,5 set gear.

I prefer a paced content without feeling rushed. If you let people reach tier 0.5 in a month and then release the raid, you would avoid burnout at the end of the phase.

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But this is one week of stv event and you are done

No, people will just have nothing to do and leave the game, same as it was on prev phase. T0,5 is not so long chain to take a month to do it.

they are postponing the world bosses a whole week and the main raids a whopping 2 weeks.
how casual are you bro?

maybe put in the time if you want to play the game.

i dunno man, i’m sick of you mega casuals complaining about your life getting in the way of your gaming and wanting the rest of us to wait for you slugs to catch up.

this is ultimately a you-problem.

the problem is that we go from 0 to 200% in a single patch, we had been boring for 2-3 months in phase 3, but know we will have a lot of content. Why?

why is that a problem?

go on, tell me its your time schedule.

The problem is that the devs doesn’t understand that the most player base have a life. You can spare the content without having and not let the game die like in phse3

then go live your life and leave gaming to the gamers.