SoD PTR Version 1.15.4 - Some yikes to point out

All changes based off:
https:/ /

  • PvP Damage Reduction: Players now take 30% reduced Physical damage from other players and pets (was 20%) and 40% reduced Magic damage from other players and pets (was 20%).

Why are physical DPS getting nerfed again? And why are Enhance Shamans and Ret paladins the most affected by this change? Both are not even that good compared to the orbital nukes from half the ranged classes in the game in PvP content.
Pets getting nerfed is just silly, I cannot recall when the last time was where a pet killed anyone.

  • Dreamstate and Stormstrike’s Nature Damage increasing effects no longer stack.

Excuse me what? Not only were horde ahead in the physical DPS department by a large margain, but also horde balance druids ahead of alliance one’s because of Stormstrike?
How is that oversight fixed so late?


  • Without the 6-piece Tier 1 set bonus, you can no longer double Judge.

Once again devs favoring Shamans to just delete people over skillful gameplay of timing double judges and seal twisting, are you trolling @devs?

  • Judging while two seals are active during the brief window when swapping seals, will now always cause the lower duration seal to be judged, instead of randomly consuming one of the two seals.

How to speedrun killing off sealtwisting and double judging, wonderful blizz.

  • Libram of Wrath changed to only gain stacks when Holy Shock deals damage. No longer stacks from healing.
  • Libram of Wrath damage per stack changed to 20% (was 30%).

Holy Shock changes are good, hybrid spec’d healers shouldn’t kill anyone in PvP, that’s silly balancing. Can shaman now get a similar treatment like Shockadin? That would be great.

  • Burn: This rune now requires Flametongue on main hand weapon to grant its spell damage. It also now grants 1 spell damage per intellect (was 2 per level).

Brah, that’s a turbo buff to elemental, imagine buffing that when flame shocks crit for 1k+ in BGs.

TLDR, what a load of :poop: changes that favor horde once again. Clearly devs play horde over alliance and want to buff the superior faction. Mental

I’d like to also point out:

Elune’s Fires: This rune now increases the duration of Rip when Shred is used by 1 second (was 2 seconds)

This actually means that the first shred doesn’t do anything to improve rip, because it ticks each 2 seconds… Was this an oversight or something ferals now need to play around with? Cus that means we need to track ticks and check if we can clip an existing Rip… It’s really odd to extend a bleed with 1 second, not meaning it will tick once more.

In an upcoming PTR build, the Mark of Chaos and Decimation runes are swapping places

WHY!?!?!!?! This doesn’t change anything for fire support destro but nerfs Life Drain damage in ANY affliction-related build that uses Mark of Chaos by 18%!

It is a weird change indeed, my guess is to try and offset the extra 6secs on rake with the new t2 2set, but it just makes the rune feel kinda clunky needing 2 shreds per extra tick

im wondering if they removed the healing reduction and simply omitted that fact.
in that case it would balance out the unfair impact this has on ret and enh since the healing gained would counterbalance the nerf to their damage output.

i know for sure that in my case as enh shaman in pvp, my biggest struggle in pvp is sustain after they gutted my ability to heal whatsoever.

healers would straight up get buffed without suffering a nerf though.

how do you know it was an “oversight”?
might have been 100% intended.
alliance enjoys similar benefits you know… for example, one of the paladin auras give holy damage bonus, does it not?
should i now start crying about alliance priests benefitting unfairly?

stop advocating for homogenization dude.

oh, and btw this change should definitely see stormstrike buffed in a different way.
i am so sick and tired of having my toolkit cannibalized by druids and paladins, its :poop: ing absurd at this point.

like ok, now they went and made stormstrike more irrelevant just like they did all the totems and wf… like bro… is there anything left to ****ing steal at this point?
im genuinely wondering, like unironically… what utility does shaman have left that has not been stolen yet?..

how in the world does this have anything to do with shamans, you lemon.
stop whining.

did you honestly expect paladins not to get nerfed?
this is probably just the beginning.

  1. what do you mean.
  2. they already nerfed shaman this same patch.
    read the notes paladin brain, they are nerfing powersurge riptide and flameshock.

having the ability to benefit from flametongue from ANY hand changed to only having it benefit if its put on MAIN hand is a restriction, thus a nerf.

1 point per intellect vs. 2 points per lvl means you need 120 intellect just to get what you would get by token of simply being lvl 60, with the added benefit that if you got more than 120 intellect, you gain more than you would from the old version.

not sure that can really be considered a buff from the perspective of anything that isn’t ele shaman.
for enhancement this is another straight up nerf.

Most likely those melees are too strong, pets were strong p1 so lets keep nerfing em ye? :rofl:

Seems like a huge nerf to me tho :person_shrugging:

guess they hate affliction fun but also hate warlocks in general… explains why the pet is still less than half after respawning.

that would be a DPS nightmare and a healers wet dream, healing is already toomuch on certain offenders. would be better to return the +healing on mental dex and sheath.

I’m just gonna ignore your ignorance on that part, it’s not possible to run Sanctuary Aura in PvE because mandatory FR (except shazzrah) and everyone knows shadow is top dog PvE dps, smite dps is a troll.
pvp at least pally has some freedom using that aura

where did you read that? because quite frankly after re-reading the link i posted doesn’t seem to have any changes towards those abilities except on burn which is an elemental buff and enhance nerf. (yes ele getting buffed)

He Say they have been nerfed from other patch, can’t use way of Heart due to 10m spell range…
They nerfed too spell power bonus of burn rune, was 200 sp before reduce to 120.
And recentlly they nerfed proc chance of lava burst and lightning chain powersurge no proc from Riptide.
May i list all ench shaman nerf?

And just remeber shaman have no cc, and we play without, i don’t Ask for hex cc spell, or druid cyclone…

But for damage réduction PvP remember in sod aura damage réduction is compensation of résilience stats WE don’t have, wana play “World of 1 shot” ? Me no.
I think it’s a nice way they reduce more physical damage to 20 for 30% and Magic “error” is actually 30% for 40% now.
Without touch heal, they hard nerfed with the 30% actually.

They just ajust the game, you like 9 sec stun by rogue and go 5k HP to 0 without Moving if you don’t have your PvP trinket with a edited by moderator 5 min cd…

What i Saïd people have forget play strategic , where are mortal strike requirement to kill heal ? Poison reduce heal? And other…
They don’t need it, just spam 1 buttons backstab from face and it’s gg, or use hoj and use a macro seal twist that’s all.

And don’t be affaid to Holly shock nerf on ptr u have play it? To see it’s not broken?
Remember ptr are for test modification and it’s great.
Wana see Come black lightning chain rune whith no cd Come back? Or lightning Shield shaman tank 1 sec cd proc aoe?
Think not, me too.
They simply ajust the game, it’s the best way they do, i don’t know we will see.

Tbh, thats how you operate, claiming things not knowing it got nerfed 2 patches ago, do you even play the game?

how ironic that’s coming from the wrong person to say, that wont change how elemental will play in PvP.
shamans operate on the victim mentality and gaslight for more nerfs for any class that isn’t not shaman, see a pattern?

wolves can CC, you have a rune that roots people for 5s

and half the changes already pissed off a good chunk of the community.

Pissed off as in quit the game? Then no, thats because of tww

indeed, but i doubt they’ll do that.
i’m still seething about maelstrom/mental dex nerfs, i still think it was far too overkill and nothing has been done to alleviate it, and now they’re giving enh shaman more nerfs.
they also just changed the new t2 set bonuses and its looking a nerf to me.

the new enhance dps 6 set bonus could end up being absolutely cracked if a tank shaman decides to get it (while running overcharged) unless it is tied directly to static charge and has it as a requirement, but it doesn’t really clarify on that… but then again, the t1 tank 4p set bonus also didn’t clarify on it not stacking with flurry, which i am also still mad about, so who knows.

fact remains that its a benefit alliance has that horde doesn’t get, which is the point.
the aim with classic is not to homogenize both factions.
factions are supposed to have advantages that the other faction doesn’t have.
get out of the retail mindset.

and don’t tell me “its not possible to run this or that aura” you guys have a million paladins, you can definitely squeeze in more than 1 aura per group.

i’m not saying smite priest is a viable option, but what if it was?
if it was, then alliance smite priests would benefit from that aura, and horde priests would just be screwed.

luckily for you, they decided that horde should not have this increased nature damage so there ain’t much to discuss.
the point i was making is that it was probably very intentional, rather than a “mistake” which you implied.

blizzard is terrible at compiling patch info into 1 place.
this isn’t the first time they’ve done it.
look a little harder if you want a source, i imagine its not that difficult to find.

chain heal instant casts and cooldown resets can no longer proc from flame shock powersurge and instant/cooldown reset lava burst/CL/LB can no longer proc from riptide powersurge.

you have the gall to talk about irony, victim mentality, gaslighting and “patterns” in the same sentence while everyone here knows who you are is just peak Wavé behavior :clown_face:

absolute twaddle.

these runes compete for the same slot, you can’t have both.

feral spirit stun is a pathetic 2 seconds on a 45 second cooldown and the wolves themselves last 45 seconds and have a 3 minute cooldown.
this means shamans can stun you for 2 seconds every 3 minutes.
that’s hardly CC bro, be honest now.

the root totem is great, i’ll admit, but again, to get it you have to give up the wolves and that is a big deal.

by “chunk of the community” you really mean “the paladin community”.
it takes nothing to piss off paladins, lets be honest, they could be given permanent bubble and complain that it gives them -50% attack speed.

Shaman have hard cc?
Wolf stun only for 2 sec and 3 min cd
Root who break with poor damage and just 5 sec…
2 are require a rune.

Priest fear aoe 8 sec.
Rogue stun chain 9 sec, blind 10 sec.
Paladin hoj stun 6 sec 1 min cd, repentance.
Mage sheep.
Demonist deathcoil and chain fear.
Hunter frost trap who 15-25 sec traped,
Instant no fd required.
Warrior fear 6 sec.( Not the best )
But they Can grab now too.
Just druid don’t have , Root a minor cc
Im happy they don’t have cyclone same we don’t have hex.
we cry about it? no.

PvP trinket is really too long 5min cd and no stats for all those hard cc.
3/4 of fights on cd.
To be usefull they must reduce cd.
1 min with no stats
Or 2 min with stats.
That’s all.

Ehm because now we can use mark of chaos AND shadowflame at the same time? That is 10x more important than that crappy soul siphon.

Would you rather have +18% damage on drain life OR a strong extra dot spell that also increases the stack count of shadow vulnerability by +650%?

those got multiple trinkets to break and some of them break on the first damage instance. There’s a reason why those three classes perform poorly in PvP.

Would be great if you were honest about the durations, sure it feels long but elementals literally stand 2-3 reopenings of a rogue. Not fun.
That is with 10s of Stun (most of them getting resisted thanks to busted hardiness) and 8s of Blind.

May be not the best CC since it regenerates poly target to full HP, with incompetent priests/paladins this is just exploiting the small braincells of those.

Give em a slow and they won’t make big distances, not to mention grounding literally kills it.


They are useful, but lets not think like retail players.

avg ally raid has like 3-5 paladins, each group mostly gets one paladin because of Fire Res (because its week 9 and people are still slacking on getting FR gear) and tremor totem. So Shazzrah is the only boss that doesnt have fire damage and people can just blast him.

not what i mean,

  • warlocks are pissed because affli is the only playstyle going forward, pets still respawn with half or less HP.
  • hunters got pissed off with LnL CD and that was a reverted change.
  • warriors tier 1 set got nerfed and warriors dont like it.
  • pvp changes pissed off literally anyone that plays pvp.
  • chokeadins (shockadins) are now crying, and more if i cared enough to find more.

Yikes, another 20% damage reduction from Magic.
Time to reroll bois.