All changes based off:
https:/ /
- PvP Damage Reduction: Players now take 30% reduced Physical damage from other players and pets (was 20%) and 40% reduced Magic damage from other players and pets (was 20%).
Why are physical DPS getting nerfed again? And why are Enhance Shamans and Ret paladins the most affected by this change? Both are not even that good compared to the orbital nukes from half the ranged classes in the game in PvP content.
Pets getting nerfed is just silly, I cannot recall when the last time was where a pet killed anyone.
- Dreamstate and Stormstrike’s Nature Damage increasing effects no longer stack.
Excuse me what? Not only were horde ahead in the physical DPS department by a large margain, but also horde balance druids ahead of alliance one’s because of Stormstrike?
How is that oversight fixed so late?
- Without the 6-piece Tier 1 set bonus, you can no longer double Judge.
Once again devs favoring Shamans to just delete people over skillful gameplay of timing double judges and seal twisting, are you trolling @devs?
- Judging while two seals are active during the brief window when swapping seals, will now always cause the lower duration seal to be judged, instead of randomly consuming one of the two seals.
How to speedrun killing off sealtwisting and double judging, wonderful blizz.
- Libram of Wrath changed to only gain stacks when Holy Shock deals damage. No longer stacks from healing.
- Libram of Wrath damage per stack changed to 20% (was 30%).
Holy Shock changes are good, hybrid spec’d healers shouldn’t kill anyone in PvP, that’s silly balancing. Can shaman now get a similar treatment like Shockadin? That would be great.
- Burn: This rune now requires Flametongue on main hand weapon to grant its spell damage. It also now grants 1 spell damage per intellect (was 2 per level).
Brah, that’s a turbo buff to elemental, imagine buffing that when flame shocks crit for 1k+ in BGs.
TLDR, what a load of changes that favor horde once again. Clearly devs play horde over alliance and want to buff the superior faction. Mental