SOD (Season of Discovery) - Searching for EU Discord Channels

Survivors in the Season of Discovery!

Seeking (SOD) Discord communities in the EU. Any recommendations or channels for this season’s discoveries? Bonus points if there’s a hub for Chaos Bolt fans. Your tips are much-needed!

+1 Looking for Living Flame Discord

Here you go, chief:
https:// discord. com/invite/E5sBdjVjWD

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That link is for Lone Wolf

While I don’t have specific Discord server recommendations, you can often find Season of Discovery (SOD) communities and channels through platforms like Discord itself, Reddit, or official forums. Search for keywords related to your interests, such as “Season of Discovery EU,” “Classic+ Discord,” or “Chaos Bolt fans,” and you should be able to discover communities that align with your preferences.

Keep an eye on relevant subreddits, official forums, and social media groups where players often share information about active communities and channels. Additionally, you can ask fellow players in the game or on these platforms for recommendations based on your specific interests.

Good luck in finding the perfect SOD community for your Season of Discovery adventures!

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Any info about Wild Growth discord server?

Wild Growth disc:


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Oh, whoops :wink:

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